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All Content by pinknblue82

  1. Taking things personally

    I feel the exact same way sometimes. Like if someone says that a new person that I trained has forgotten to sign a MAR, I may immediately think that person thinks I'm a bad preceptor. I'm just sensitive and get hurt feelings easily. It was hard at fi...
  2. Wedging my foot in that crack...

    I'd consider taking a slightly lower paying job in a hospital during school IF: you want to work in that facility after graduation, you can get a flexible schedule that is conducive to studying and getting good grades, you won't get overly stressed d...
  3. Assuming The Nurse Role

    I've had lots of days like that in nursing. do the best you can, be enthusiastic, if you need specific examples from your instructor on how to improve then ask for them, stay positive. There are times when you are asked to give more when you feel yo...
  4. Need help on suggestions! ( long post)

    Haven't been in that situation exactly but at my facility I think once you accept a position you aren't allowed to transfer at all for 6 months. if your place is like most others, there's probably a ton of nicu apps compare to m/s and they may be rel...
  5. postpartum ?

    Personally I would rather go to work knowing that I would be having a busy post partum shift vs. a super unpredictable L&D shift where I'm on my own. I have to know that I have a reliable team available for emergencies, and I think good back-up i...
  6. New Nurse/Old Attitude

    Really appreciate this post. I've been in situations where I felt like I bent over backwards to help an orientee "get it." I've helped train several that ended up doing fantastic on my unit. But when the few that really just can't get the hang of it ...
  7. Going from telemetry to L & D

    Agree with the above poster. You pretty much either love L&D or hate it. If I was your preceptor, I'd feel much better about you flat out saying, "yeah this just isn't my thing" rather than continue on because if that really is the case, your co-...
  8. New Grad RNs in ICU

    The director of the ICU at my hospital said she usually hires one new grad every May. It's typically someone who has worked for her as a tech or secretary. Would you consider doing tele/step down/pccu until you're eligible for a transfer?
  9. I know this sounds crazy, but......

    Math and science are challenging for me, but I'm a competent nurse. And if you decide to pursue nursing, it is my belief that if you can make it through school, you can make it as a nurse. Not sure about psych as a whole, but in my area those jobs ar...
  10. A nurse called me a "little pretend nurse!"

    Wow that's rude as hell. Never experienced that particular incident, just wanted to give you kudos for taking it in stride. You obviously know you're doing what's best for you, and I hope you are a MEGA successful nurse when you finish school. :)
  11. Oncology Acute Unit vs Labor & Delivery

    Tough choice! I'd say if you have any interest in doing L&D, start now and get a nice long orientation. Oncology will probably still be an option down the road if you don't like L&D. Where I work it's harder to get hired into OB once your new...
  12. Do you need a tough personality to survive in Nursing?

    Hello! Congratulations on starting your new career path. I work OB and can tell you OB staff are often referred to as "strong personalities." When we work as a team we are unstoppable, and when we work against each other it gets vicious. But it is a ...
  13. Landed my dream job in LDRP..any tips?

    I agree with being familiar with basic fetal monitoring. But aside from knowledge and skills, which you will learn, please listen more than you talk. Take initiative. Show up on time. Help others when you have down time. I know it all sounds basic bu...
  14. From ED to Mom Baby or L+D

    ED is great experience to bring to L&D! Take the class and apply for the job! Good luck :)
  15. New RN: advice on switching from nights to days?

    I went back to days three months after new grad orientation and was successful. My friend at work was also a new grad and went straight to days. We are both still at the same job 2+ years later. I would recommend staying familiar with the schedule, p...
  16. May I ask??

    My unit usually has a handful of openings at a time. We attract a lot of commuters who end up quitting for something closer to home. People who have done it for years get burned out and leave (usually for ER or OR type work). Others quit due to illne...
  17. Help me decide please?

    Number one seems to be a better fit. I got three months of orientation to my specialty plus was scheduled with more experienced nurses for the next couple of months and it was plenty. Hope it all works out for ya!
  18. Share if you love your job!

    I love doing OB! My facility drives me up a wall some days but overall I love the quick turnover of patients because it feels like I'm doing something different every day. I get to spend a lot of time with my patients and I usually hit the door at 7p...
  19. Very stressed (2.5 years into it) - please help

    I feel the same way. The drama among co-workers and the politics from admin make it hard to just do your job. Don't know if it's an option for you but I'm changing shifts from week day shift to weekend special. More money, more independence, less peo...