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About staugnurse

staugnurse has 8 years experience and specializes in Cardiovascular.

Latest Activity

  1. Possibly moving to NC

    Any information on Raleigh, Goldsboro, moycok, and corolla
  2. Possibly moving to NC

    I currently live in Jacksonville, FL. I'm ready for a change and thinking about moving to NC. I'm not familiar with the areas. I know a couple ppl/RN living in Raleigh. I know the housing is less than...
  3. New to Navy, ODS, Portsmouth-need any help?

    My kit is being reviewed now for the ICU board. I'm hoping if I get selected to go to
  4. New to Navy, ODS, Portsmouth-need any help?

    Was Bethesda is first
  5. New to Navy, ODS, Portsmouth-need any help?

    Does anyone know the navy incentive amount ICU nurses? I think it's 20k for a 3 yr agreement and 30k for a 4 yr
  6. New to Navy, ODS, Portsmouth-need any help?

    I was trying to PM you but it isn't letting me. My kit will be reviewed in the February board for ICU. If selected, when would I find out my first duty station prior to being sworn in? I am hoping for...
  7. Navy Nurse Corps Direct Accession FY 2013

    My recruiter told me a week ago maybe 2 the board was done meeting. Also they would be sending letters out for the kits not reviewed. Basically saying they made their selections and they stopped...
  8. Single parent military nursing?

    I do not believe you have to give your rights up to join. I'm a single mother attempting to join. I've been told by my recruiter plus I have friends who r single moms in navy. You need a family care...
  9. Military Nursing Questions Answered

    As a navy nurse is it possible to work prn as a civilian? I realize Navy commitments would come
  10. Navy Nurse Corps Direct Accession FY 2013

    I've had the same issue communicating with my recruiter. My kit didn't get reviewed by the board also. I'm hoping to change credentials to ICU since I've been working there for few months now.
  11. Navy Nurse Corps Direct Accession FY 2013

  12. Navy Nurse Corps Direct Accession FY 2013

    Waiting does
  13. Navy Nurse Corps Direct Accession FY 2013

    Do you know definitive if your kit will be reviewed then? I'm wondering if the recruiters are just saying it will be reviewed when in fact they have no idea really. Very frustrating
  14. Navy Nurse Corps Direct Accession FY 2013

    I know they are having another board, but are they mostly going to be for the wait list. Any
  15. Navy Nurse Corps Direct Accession FY 2013

    Mine also told me well over a 100 were submitted and only 64 will be reviewed next board is November 30. They are a mixture of active duty, reserve, and student applicants so all other kits are being...