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All Content by lovemydogs91

  1. Thank you card after phone interview

    I would definitely go for it. With everything being so competitive, it doesn't hurt to stand out. I think it's a nice touch.
  2. How to know if Nursing is right for you?!

    I don't think anyone KNOWS if nursing is right for them until they actually get into it. You can be aware of your personality and characteristics that would make for a great nurse, but like I said, you won't actually know until you do it. There's n...
  3. UC Davis RN Residency February 2014

    Has anyone heard anything?
  4. Children's National New Grad Interview

    Congrats! What unit are you interviewing for? When is your interview? Let me know how it goes! :)
  5. It's official.

    Good Luck!! :)
  6. Don't go into nursing school if_____

    If you are expecting to find McDreamy or McSteamy 'cause giiiiiiirl I have yet to find either
  7. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program: September 2013

    I think it's way too early to tell. They probably haven't even thought about it.
  8. New Grad RN California: Where should I relocate for work?

    I live in Maryland right now and you would probably be disappointed with the workload and pay versus California. It's also not cheap to live here. I would go Texas and keep trying in California. Boston, Philli, and New York would probably be good are...
  9. UC Davis RN Residency February 2014

    I feel like less people graduate in the fall though... wouldn't that mean less people would be applying vs. those who graduate in the spring? I can hope, right? I don't think they've hired Peds for the past few internships. That's where I did my p...
  10. Graduate Nurse

    Me too!! What a great feeling! Congrats!
  11. Job Interview: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

  12. December 2013 Caption Contest: Win $100!

    Shouldn't have laughed at and called Rudolph names!
  13. This is perfect; I'm graduating in 5 days and couldn't have said this better myself. You guys will love it, hate it, and get through it. Find a good group of people that you can eat, study, and cry with. Good luck!
  14. UC Davis RN Residency February 2014

    SO exciting! :) It's hard to think that we are competing against so many though. Where are you all from? Anyone applying from the East Coast?
  15. Class of 2013 anyone?

    December 2013 with my BSN.... can't come soon enough!!
  16. Hey guys! Any pointers as I start Med Surg next semester?!

    Like the other poster said, not much of a difference. I would save the money for what little differences there are between the two editions. I really struggled during med-surg because I didn't manage my time wisely. Create a routine and schedule that...
  17. I finally graduated!!!

    Congratulations! I'm jealous
  18. How's your dating life?

    My boyfriend and I were dating for 4 years prior to my starting nursing school. Luckily, he is working on his journeyman's as an electrician and was busy with that while I was going crazy in school. Things got tough for a while... but it was just a l...
  19. NCLEX Prep

    Hi all- I was wondering for those of you who passed the NCLEX, or those of you who are preparing to take it, which books, test preps, or reviews you used to prepare yourselves. I was going to go through Lippincott's website and find something there b...
  20. NCLEX Prep

    Thank you all for the advice!
  21. I spread all of my sciences out so that I could spend a lot of time on them, as they are time consuming. Try to take them separately if you can.
  22. Anatomy Flashcards: YES OR NO?

    Writing out flash cards helps you to understand it. Then going back through them and looking at them reinforces the material. I highly suggest at the very least you write your own, and then maybe use the others as a supplement.
  23. Prereqs

    Yep - I completed pre-reqs at FCC in Maryland, and then I transfered to UMD.
  24. Some guidance and advice needed please

    I highly suggest knocking out the pre-reqs at a community college. Those are tough classes to take online. Try to get them done asap so that you can get into a program in your new location.
  25. Prereqs

    I took my pre-reqs at a community college. I asked my advisor what the requirements for the schools were that I wanted to apply to, and he printed me a list of every class I needed to take for each school that I wanted to apply for. Oddly enough, som...