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About Virgilio

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  1. pin light

    Pen light. Don't they have them at your college bookstore? I think the disposable kind are
  2. Too young/ early in life to be in Nursing Program?

    OMG, don't listen to these people. There are so many people your same age in pre-med, pre-law and applied physics which are equally academically challenging. There are people your same age who are...
  3. When did wearing a stethoscope become popular

    I can't believe I'm the first person in seven pages /LOLing at all the judgey
  4. Insider Tips for Debinding Your Precious Textbooks

    I did the same thing just last week. We probably read the same article a few weeks ago. The Kinko's that I went to cut my soft bound books but, like you, couldn't cut my hard bound. Luckily they...
  5. Last minute studying for Pre-entrance exam! Help..

    Make sure that you can do all of the math presented in that NLN-PAX book. Skip the vocabulary, none of those words will be on the test. Make sure that you can do the reading comprehension, I mean do...
  6. I decided to drop out of my ADN program in the 90's while in the final semester. After 13 years and a reasonably profitable career in another field I'm going back in January. So I'll be repeating...
  7. Will I get in trouble ? ? ?

    I didn't see your post early enough on that Monday, but I thought of you all of that weekend. I'm really glad that everything worked out for
  8. For what it's worth I dropped out of nursing school in the 90's, when I was in my early 20's for many of the same reasons that you are describing. I followed other opportunities and happily earn pay...
  9. I would get pretty tired of long johns or under armor after two to four years of clinicals, but I think that would work. If you go with the shorter option then anything but white boxers or boxer...
  10. I wore white uniforms in the military, white boxers/ white T-shirt did the
  11. Will I get in trouble ? ? ?

    This is upsetting, I hope your school de-colon-ifies their heads. Any conversation about common sense should include your schools lack of it for failing to make it clear to you that this unacceptable...
  12. Lol, does ED mean Emergency Department? I'm still a pre nursing student and I immediately thought of "male health
  13. Group projects

    I'm going to offer a slightly different take on this subject, I've found in life that 20% of the people do 80% of the work. There's also an adage that applies here: "Grant me the strength to change...
  14. Breaking it to the boss...

    I can't tell you what a relief it is to have that behind me. Of course, a positive response from my boss is not necessarily a guarantee of the reality of the next 2 or so
  15. Well the moment has passed that I had been dreading since I got hired, knowing that I was going to pursue nursing school. I've been here for less than a year so timing was everything. I've delayed...