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About Bojamashell

Just graduated and ready to take the NCLEX and find the job that I'm meant for. I plan to go on to earn my bachelors and masters degrees.

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  1. night/weekend nursing schools

    I am in an evening/weekend ADN program. We have class two "nights" a week from 3:45pm-7:30pm (not what I'd call evening, but close). Then we have clinical different days. It changes in our program....
  2. Feeling down and out about Nursing school

    I was disappointed the first semester as well. I ended with a B in theory and A in the other courses. However it wasn't long before we started agreeing that C=RN. It doesn't matter what grade you...
  3. Beginning of last semester!!!

    I'm with you!! I graduate in May. 131 days until the Graduation
  4. I work full time (40 hours a week) in a geotechnical lab (testing soil, which has nothing to do with health care. lol), have 3 children and I'm looking forward to entering my last semester of the...
  5. Could use some encouragement.

    In this program for the 2nd semester, they just have beginning med-surg for 5 credits, with the clinical rotation practicum course for 4 credits. The way they figure the grade is complicated. All of...
  6. Could use some encouragement.

    So I'm in an ADN program, 2nd semester. I'm borderline failing. If I don't do well on my next two exams, I may actually fail which would be terrible. I've been so stressed I can hardly think...
  7. Nursing Games is taking its toll

    I am in the evening/weekend class at my school and we lost 2 within the first 4 weeks of class. Now we're down to 8
  8. Is this normal?....

    Yep! Same way with me. It happened to me at the end of the 4th week of the first semester. Went back to class on Monday and realized that over half my class (small class of only 8 people since 2...
  9. What's so great about a pinning ceremony?

    It's a long ways off, but I plan to attend both the commencement ceremony and the pinning ceremony. If I had to choose between the two, I'd probably just choose the pinning ceremony. But since I...
  10. This disorganization is making me very anxious!!

    I borrowed about fifty bucks from my mom so I could get the required homework packet for orientation today. I saw that packet and thought "Oh my! What have I gotten myself into?" Just the homework...
  11. This disorganization is making me very anxious!!

    Haha. Thanks. A friend just reminded me that I have to learn to adapt as I'll hear PLENTY of times in nursing school (she's entering her senior year at a different school). I guess I just need to...
  12. So, I should just be excited right about now. I mean, I've gotten my immunizations, background check, drug screening, CPR certification, everything that I, as a student, am responsible for. Our...
  13. Studying

    I am the same type of learner. Also, I never had to study until A&P. I learned in A&P II that how the information stayed in my head was to make my own practice quizzes. Also, for lab, I'd...
  14. 3rd shift clinical...Will i get enough experience?

    I'm just starting my nursing program next month. We'll start clinicals in September. I work full time and have young kiddos, so I'm thankful my school has an evening/weekend program that I was...
  15. Rose State RN Fall 2012

    Zombie, glad you all got it worked out! Now that you don't have to worry about that, you can be excited! I know I