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All Content by serenidad2004

  1. IM injection

    I've never given IM shots or shots of any kind on the side with the AVF/AVG. Isnt that what we also teach our patients? No needle sticks BPs etc on ur access
  2. I just wanted to SCREAM

    I once took care of a physician... he came to our SNF after a heart surgery at a larger hospital. He was a doc I had dealt with many times before as he often admitted patients to our unit. He was one...
  3. RN License plate

    Theres a doc in town here his plates say
  4. Smokers need not apply?

    My employer is a smoke free facility but they haven't started testing for nicotene nor do they deny employment to those that smoke. I am a smoker but am able to work through the day only having a...
  5. Switching from Chronic to Acute Dialysis

    I work in a hospital unit. I do chronics the majority of the time but am on call one weekend per month (from friday at 8pm until monday at 5am.) If there is someone in acute who needs dialysis during...
  6. Level 2 background checks at LTC

    What is a level 2 background check? How is it
  7. I went to dialysis a year and a half ago after almost 9yrs SNF/LTC. I haven't lost any skills if anything I've gained them and have been able to draw on the experience I had. I felt like a new grad...
  8. Does your SO understand job stress?

    No my husband doesnt get it, he is a cook. When I get home late, say shift was over at 3 but don't get off until 4. He is always like "well you were supposed to be off an hour ago you should have just...
  9. Please seek help sooner rather than later. If your facility offers EAP take advantage of it. See about FMLA to take care of
  10. UU?

    While I am now Catholic I attwnded Unitarian church and summer camps growing up. They definately have a broader view of religion worship and everything else that traditional churches like Catholic...
  11. D.O.N. tells me NOT to describe wound???

    I was taught in LTC/SNF I could describe a wound ie: drainage amount character odor etc wound bed color periwound tissue appearance blanching and if any slough or eschar. What I couldn't do was call...
  12. Do you have a nickname at work?

    Makes me laugh... on my last unit I was routinely refered to as "whexican." I am white but my husband is from Mexico. He has been here for over 20yrs but we do speak "spanglish" at home. Nickname came...
  13. Call Ins. Again

    On my previous unit we had a "staffing" nurse as well. She was supposed to do the schedule find coverage for call ins, fill any holes in the schedule, and help with admissions. Yep those things rarely...
  14. I feel like a loner sometimes.

    When I was in high school I wasn't a social butterfly. I had my close friends and that was it. I was nice helpful and would go out of my way to help the person who seemed was the "odd man out" Flash...
  15. Visitors that are drinking in patient rooms......What do I do?

    Simple answer... ask them to refrain from drinking alcohol while in the hospital and remind them if they can't do that they will be asked to leave. If they're being loud and disruptive have security...
  16. Wonderfully said as usual
  17. "Cry me a river then build a bridge and GET OVER IT" Maybe not the best way to address passive aggressive, whiney or otherwise inappropriate behavior... But I have said it once or twice after trying...
  18. How do they rationalize staffing??...

    My DON is one of those that doesn't hesitate to help when we are short. One time comes to mind.... A nurse had to go to ICU to dialyze a critical patient and a tech had called in. They called for me...
  19. What would you have done?

    Always always ALWAYS call the doc if you have concerns. You did what was best for the patient. The doc can get as mad as an old wet hen but your responsibility is the safety and well being of the...
  20. How do you organize your day?

    I just can't imagine having to be a charge nurse as a new grad... When I started in LTC/SNF I was the only nurse on my floor but was not the charge, their was 3 other floors and a more experienced RN...
  21. For those who work while in nursing school:

    I had no choice but to work fulltime while in school. It was hard... especially seeing my classmates that didn't have to work and didn't have kids. If you can afford not to work I would say don't...

    Definately agree that you should have checked the
  23. Things you'd LOVE to tell coworkers...and get away with it!

    I am truly blessed to work with the group that I do.
  24. Just tired

    I have seen 2 cases of spontaneous hip fractures and one spontaneous ankle fracture with out a fall or other trauma. All 3 were dialysis patients with weak bones related to dialysis and dietary...
  25. Things you'd LOVE to tell coworkers...and get away with it!

    To the wonderful RNs and techs I work with - Thank you so much for being available on your day off to help when you know that our day is crazy We had a code in our unit recently and it still amazes me...