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All Content by serenidad2004

  1. What to do when nothing you do is right (long)

    I am glad to say I sat down with this nurse and had a long talk and sorted out our issues. Found out it had more to do with her than me and I am now helping her to work through her own depression as...
  2. I am having an issue with a nurse that I work with. A little background... I have been in nursing almost 10 years, first 9 in skilled/LTC and the last year or so in dialysis. I have worked with this...
  3. What to do when nothing you do is right (long)

    Thank you for your feedback, I do appreciate it. I seem to step on this nurses toes no matter what I do. Even simple things for her patients such as calling in a refill for a med that they need when...
  4. What to do when nothing you do is right (long)

    Thank you for your feedback.. I really do appreciate
  5. depression, ADD and nursing

    I have been in nursing for 9 years, the first 8 or so years in LTC and skilled now dialysis. I also have dx of depression and ADD for which I take Lexapro and Vyvanse. How do those of you with these...
  6. Worst start ever

    My worst morning? Woke up late, was supposed to be to work at 0545 and woke up at 0550. Clothes were still wet in the dryer, couldn't find my car keys. Found the car keys and the locks were frozen...
  7. How did you start in Dialysis?

    I started in my hospitals out patient dialysis clinic after 9yrs LTC and skilled care. I am loving every minute of
  8. what did you get for Christmas from your employer?

    Our unit decided to take what would have been spent on a gift for all of us and donated
  9. Do you call the doctor at night for low B/P's on night shift?

    We didnt do a BP on nights unless there was a reason even our medicare pts they did temp pulse an
  10. Do Nurses Earn Big Money? You Decide.

    Its funny that you should mention plumbers... my brother is in his 3rd year of his apprenticeship as a plumber and makes $1 less an hour than I do as an RN in a dialysis unit... and yep next year he...
  11. Are LPN's allowed to draw blood from PICC lines?

    In iowa
  12. Dialysis staff nurse salary in US

    Hospital owned clinic almost $24/hr
  13. Nurses regularly assigned tech station

    Recently had a traveler in our unit...she was amazed at how much staff we had... said that in her home unit there is only 1 nurse for 10pts!!! Of course there are techs too but I cant imagine being...
  14. I quit my LPN job in LTC

    Not every nurse that works LTC has to be a liar... but in order to provide the best nursing care there has to be supportive management and staffing both of which are usually lacking in LTC. I loved...
  15. If you weren't a nurse, what would you have become?

    I would LOVE to move to Mexico with my inlaws and just be there :) wouldnt really care what i was doing... thats my
  16. Do you have to count lyrica at your LTC facility?

    Our lyrica was always in the pyxis in skilled... so yes it was
  17. Why nursing hits home.....

    My journey to nursing also came from watching other nurse... when daughters father broke himeself from the wait up in a car accident. The skill and compassion was an amazing thing to witness. His...
  18. What to do when the Doctor wont call back??

    I always call the attending first whether they are on call or
  19. Dear God, Help me

    When I worked LTC I had one that would repetitively recite the lords prayer while rubbing her hair... all day long. If she was interupted she would pick up where she left off. It made for a long day...
  20. Open wonds covered with dry swabs?

    I had a pt that also would get blisters r/t edema circulation etc we used viscopaste gauze and then wrapped with kerlix worked good for the pt we changed 3x
  21. So, Im a brand new Nurse, Help!

    You will learn something new every single day no matter how long you have been in
  22. Is it worth going the LVN route to get into the RN programs faster?

    I exited as an LPN because of financial reasons.... when I did go back for my RN my LPN experience was very helpful!!! I could focus on learning more because the basics didnt intimidate
  23. The youngest new mother's you've seen

    Sometimes cartoons are the only thing worth watching on tv lol I still like to watch Looney Tunes and Scooby Doo and I am fast approaching 30!
  24. Abdominal pain

    We can not give medical advice.... please see tour medical provider
  25. negativity in nursing school

    When I went back to school for my RN it was a totally different dynamic than when I got my LPN.... I was in my mid 20's and most of the rest of my class was my age up to maybe 35. I honestly felt like...