

Critical Care; Recovery

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About Larry3373

Larry3373 has 2 years experience and specializes in Critical Care; Recovery.

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  1. Old nurses eating young

    Suck it up, and find another job. Also get rid of the attitude that your problem is this older nurse. More than likely you contributed to getting fired in some way. Since you can only control your...
  2. How long did you stay at your first job?

    About 11
  3. New grad - PCU or ED?

    To answer the OP, the PCU I worked for had many ambulatory patients that could take care of their own hygiene for the most part. Some of them were pretty sick as they had recently undergone heart...
  4. Study tips?

    The basic idea is when you read to ask yourself how you would apply the information in a given scenario. For each objective you should make yourself some flash cards showing what you as the nurse...
  5. Calling all acute NPs
  6. Acute Care NP's

    Oh I'm sorry, I read your post again and it seems like you meant what states are acnp able to find jobs. Not sure about the states you
  7. Acute Care NP's

    My research has revealed that acnp can work in specialty practices like cardio, neuro, etc or surgery. They also can work as hospitalists. I have seen them in the icu as well. ER may be difficult...
  8. Taking a Position as a Float Nurse as a New Grad

    I transferred to float pool after almost 4 years bedside including 2 years in the ICU. I'm not sure I would fare well working in every unit of the hospital (excluding L&D and surgery) if I did...
  9. Is LTC a good option if I can't find a job?

    I agree that anything is better than nothing. I know a few people that started out that way and were able to find acute care positions later. It looks better than no experience at all, that's for...
  10. Am I supposed to hate my first nursing job??

    My 2 cents is this. If you stay for a while you will get better and your anxiety level will go down. That being said, there are plenty of other areas in nursing that you would likely enjoy more....
  11. New Nurse; To start a New IV or not?

    It may have been causing the patient some discomfort, but it might also have caused discomfort if you tried to start an iv and were unsuccessful a few times. Then you would have needed to find...
  12. How to manage life on night shift?

    I worked just over an hour away for nearly a year. There were days when I struggled to stay awake on the long drive home, but most of the time it was fine. Just take a good nap the first day and go...
  13. Hiring situation for new BSN grads, out of state.

    I can answer number 2. Try becoming a patient care tech and working at a local hospital before you graduate. Then you are more likely to get hired after graduating. The best thing to do after that...
  14. No FNP jobs????

    Everyone I know in south MS able to find a job with no
  15. NP or PA? My great dilemma...

    I'm enrolled in an emergency dual role nurse practitioner program at the university of south Alabama. Basically it's just the family and acute care nurse practitioner certifications all rolled into...