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All Content by katrinas4619

  1. SEPTEMBER 2012 CPNRE Exam

    You only need ur CPIC and has to be issued within the last 6mths
  2. CPNRE - May 16, 2012

    I live in Scarborough and received my pass letter today. I spoke to the CNO today and they said ALL letters regardless of pass or fail were mailed yesterday:) good luck everyone and Ty for the congratulatory words. Everyone will receive their letters...
  3. CPNRE - May 16, 2012

    I passed so happy!
  4. CPNRE - May 16, 2012

    Ty :)
  5. CPNRE - May 16, 2012

    My friend just got her results in the mail today (Toronto) she passed.. Now hopefully mine comes in the mail today
  6. CPNRE - May 16, 2012

    I too phoned the CNO today, they told me they have not yet received the results back from ASI, once they do it will take around 5 business days
  7. Nursing shortage in Ontario

    Are RPNs able to do this? Because the only info I can find regarding working up north is for RNs. I currently live in Toronto and would love to move To a rural community.
  8. CPNRE - May 16, 2012

    Sorry guys but I just got off the phone with the CNO and I was told they have not even received the results back from the testing agency (I'm assuming ASI) and that we will not get our results back till at least the last week of June
  9. George Brown College PN Program

    I am a new GBC grad in the PN program, in fact our ceremony is on June 14th. Overall I did not find the program to be hard at all. As long as you keep up with your readings and clinical prep work ( medication cards, modules) you'll do fine. The harde...
  10. CPNRE - May 16, 2012

    Thanks that was good to know:) as for the time issue; I finished the exam in 2 hours and did not feel rushed at all. Yet there were fellow classmates of mine that felt they did not have enough time and they emailed the CNO to give feedback to this ef...
  11. CPNRE - May 16, 2012

    Its in the CPNRE prep guide. As well as one of my instructors told us that as a collective. So just wondering what everyone was told
  12. CPNRE - May 16, 2012

    No news on the results; going to take 6 weeks. Apparently the exam is scored out if four categories. You may get perfect on 3/4 of the categories but if you bomb the fourth you fail. Can anyone shed some light on this?
  13. I am a George Brown Grad in the PN program. You can do the BSCn program in collaboration with George Brown and Ryerson.. Or you can do your PN an bridge to BSCn through GBC and Trent university. As for the pre-health not to sure, I just did my math a...
  14. CPNRE - May 16, 2012

    Agreed you are responsible to know all content regardless if you did a clinical rotation or not; however the book only teaches you so much, it's through the clinical experience you solidify your knowledge and can really put the pieces together.. Just...
  15. CPNRE - May 16, 2012

    Hi everyone, I wrote the CPNRE in Toronto May 16th. I felt that the exam consisted of too many questions that were not taught in the PN program. For instance, tons of ortho q's meanwhile I never had a clinical rotation in ortho. I mean there were a l...