
nursepotter05 RN

er, pediatric er

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About nursepotter05

nursepotter05 has 4 years experience as a RN and specializes in er, pediatric er.

I graduated nursing schoool in 2005. I am an er nurse through and through

Latest Activity

  1. How do you know if you are ER material?

    I went sraight out of nursing school into Pediatric Emergency @ a major Children's hospital. I did go through a nurse residency program. I always knew i wanted to do pediatrics, and after teching in...
  2. Changing Careers to Nursing. Advice needed

    I live in Tennessee and there are stilll jobs, even for new grads. However, I can see the difference in the number of positions now as compared to when i graduated in
  3. Pay Raises

    My hospital usually gives a 3% raise and cut it to 2%. Haven't seen next years benefits, but i figure the insurance is going up with probably less coverage to go with it. however, they serve filet...
  4. Changing Careers to Nursing. Advice needed

    It amazes me how someone can post a simple question, and others can be so judgmental and just plain rude!Good Lord!:angryfire. Also, I know the job market isn't good in some regions, but i would bet...
  5. advice on giving flu shot

    I highly doubt that an injection given in the deltoid muscle is going to cause probelms with the pt's leg, even if it is the same side! The pt is 22 years old, unless mom has power of attorney or pt...
  6. Would you have given the meds??

    I think your doctor was way all out of line. If pt's bg was 127, i see no reason to hold oral hypoglycemics. I would have probably held the insulin, but not the oral
  7. The best nursing job ever!!

    I did pediatric emergency @ Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. I loved it there. I quit last year because i had to drive over an hour to get there and i had a new baby. went to hospital closer to home,...
  8. malpractice insurance

    i have heard both sides of this debate. I do not carry my own insurance. My belief is that the lawyer will look for the deepest pockets, the hospital, doctor,ect. I have been told by someone in the...
  9. Not properly trained for ER?????

    I did a level 1 pediatric er straight out of school. I did go through a residency program. I have a bachelor's degree, but as far a nursing training, I don't see that a new grad with a bachelor's...
  10. Plan to transfer from tele to er

    I graduated in 2005, i have worked er my entire nursing career and was a patient care tech in the er before that. I love it. I don't get attached to patients or their families because they don't stay...
  11. Where have all the LPN's gone?

    i work in a small town @ a critical access hospital
  12. I think I failed, and I'm panicking...

    Honey, I don't know of one single person who honestly believed that they passed after taking the NCLEX, no matter how many questions they got. calm down and wait for your results. You might be...
  13. My physical @ both jobs i have worked as a nurse did not consist of any vitals being taken. it was a questionaire @ both
  14. Using Ampules w/o filter needles

    I work in a facility that provides filter needles, and i use them when pulling from glass ampules. Before working @ this hospital, I worked for a major children's hospital emergency department and...
  15. Vanderbilt's Nurse Residency Program

    I did the Pediatric Nurse Residency @ Vanderbilt Children's in 2005. It was very competative. There were over 150 applicants, they took 50 something I think. I don't know how competative the adult...