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All Content by suzilks1

  1. Frustrations of an older student

    I know this post will cause a lot of controversy but I am writing it for those of us who are older adults struggling to earn a spot in a program. The program I am applying for has changed its policies to be an unbelievable contradiction to itself. ...
  2. Frustrations of an older student

    I agree and i have made face to face visits as well as contacted the Dean of Nursing, Registrar, Dean of Adult Learners, etc. Just waiting on replies.
  3. Frustrations of an older student

    The closest ones are quite a distance away other than my local community college. I still have a son who doesn't drive yet and at this stage, it's not feasible the ones that are farther away. I have decided to retake the SAT and ACT and hope for the...
  4. Frustrations of an older student

    You have to apply online. I guess I could send a brief letter separately.
  5. Frustrations of an older student

    They decided to use the hope gpa to rank us in other words to say who gets in or not. Dalton State nursing program.
  6. Frustrations of an older student

    The Hope scholarship GPA never removes any grade. I have had my courses transfer in with no bad credits so that is why I have a 3.81 Regents GPA. Unfortunately this year my school decided for some reason to not use the Regents GPA but use the Hope ...
  7. 30+ club! Lets do this together.

    I might be the old lady here. :) I'm going to be 49 in November and will be applying December 2013 to start the program Fall 14. I have 3 classes left and I'm done with prerequisites and have taken and passed the PAX. woohoo! The awesome thing i...
  8. Any books to help with A&P 1?

    My top tips would be using the study site for the book if it has one online. Do the practice tests, quizzes, etc. I found excellent videos on youtube for lab practical models as well as concepts I needed a little more explanation on. Organize a stu...
  9. Scared to death about A&P

    I just finished A&P I and II with As. I'm an older student so I was very intimidated by the class before it started. It IS hard but it is very interesting and absolutely doable. My top tips would be...make use of the study site from the book i...
  10. Failed Anatomy/Physiology 1 help me

    I agree on taking pictures in lab. I bought a galaxy note 2 specifically so i could take a pix and then label the backside right there in lab. Also going on youtube helped. For example if you are doing the urinary system, go to youtube and pull up...
  11. What did you think was the hardest topic in A&P?

    I actually found A&P 2 easier. I took the same professor which definitely helped. I found that looking up videos on youtube for practicals and for topics in lecture that I didn't quite understand was extremely helpful to me too. Just make sure ...
  12. Older Student

    How exciting! You won't be the only older student in your classes! I am 48 and just finishing up my pre-reqs so i can apply Fall of 2013. Today I took the PAX and passed with a 97! It's never too late! In fact, what encouraged me to go ahead and...
  13. Anatomy and Physiology I Difficulty

    I am in A&P now and I love it. My teacher is referred to as "Dr. Death" on my campus because of the sheer number of people that drop out. We started out with a class of 50 and now there are probably 18 of us left. Yes, it is hard but the materia...
  14. I am thinking of going back to school for an Associates RN after being a medical transcriptionist for twenty five years. I am a little overwhelmed at all that might entail but nursing has been a lifelong dream. Anyone started nursing school in GA a...
  15. What are some tips for Microbiology?

    I took Micro years ago with an A. My best study tool was the flashcards that I made and studied every single day. Since it has been more than 4 years since i took it i have to take again in the Spring but I'm not afraid of it now. You just have to...
  16. After a LOT of hurdles and discouragement I finally got accepted into my community college and registered for classes today. I will begin finishing up my pre-reqs starting in two weeks. I got a little discouraged because I found out there is no way...
  17. Thinking of starting nursing school at 47

    Thank you! It is good to know that you made it out of the LS classes and are where you want to be. I am fortunate in that I only have to take one LP course before college algebra so it shouldn't deter me too much even if I can't take A&P or mic...
  18. Thinking of starting nursing school at 47

    They won't let me talk to an advisor until I am officially accepted which as of last check hasn't happened. This is taking FOREVER. I saw today that my recent math compass is posted but my status STILL says "higher math compass score needed". I gue...
  19. Being nervous about the science and math of nursing school

    I totally understand what you are saying. I had to take a compass math exam last month to even be admitted to the remedial courses in math. I needed a 20 and got a 19. Someone on this thread mentioned Khan Academy. I worked on that site almost exclus...
  20. Thanks for the encouragement and I'm definitely not down about it. It is an unfortunate policy change because I know of several people my age that would love to become nurses now but now have said they don't even want to try because they are afraid ...
  21. i just received a letter from my community college here in ga that i was being denied admission because of a new admission requirement. i am 47 years old and scored a 19 on the math compass portion of the test. i was never told it was anything othe...
  22. Thinking of starting nursing school at 47

    I passed!!!!! I retook the compass today and tested into intermediate algebra before college algebra thanks to lots of studying, prayer and Khan Academy. My first try on the compass I made a 19. Today a 34!!! wooohooo Not enough to pass out of t...
  23. I retook the compass today and passed into intermediate algebra. So just one learning support class and then I can get algebra behind me. I did better than I expected thanks to Khan Academy. My first try I got a 19 and my second a 34. Now I have ...
  24. Thinking of starting nursing school at 47

    Thanks to all for the encouragment. I have crammed my brain full and the retake on the compass is this Wednesday morning. Please say a prayer for me if you will. I am so afraid I will freeze up and forget all I have learned in the past month. I j...
  25. Prerequisite count from a previous degree?

    I took two psychology courses in 2004 and my school is accepting those transfer credits. The nursing program I am applying for however will not accept my biology and microbiology credits from 2004 because they are more than five years old. Best of l...