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All Content by Chrissi2424

  1. Walden University--any advice?

    I am a current student. I really love the school and feel like I am learning a lot. They offer tons of student services. I feel like I made the right choice. I have a friend who graduated last quarter and another who is graduating in 3 weeks, both ha...
  2. Any Walden FNP students starting September 2?

    That is a great idea. I am looking for you on FB now.
  3. Anyone starting Walden's FNP program September 2, 2014? Would like to get a group started to help each other make it through this journey!
  4. South university

    I have never heard of South turning anyone down. I think they accept everyone. There are a few people on the boards that go there and love it. You will hear mixed reviews regarding South. Gather your own information and make an informed decision on y...
  5. University of Southern Indiana

    Congrats to those that got in. I got a rejection letter. I spoke with Dr Hall to see what I could have improved on and she basically told me that there was an enormous amount of applicants and they accepted way more than normal and only have so many ...
  6. University of Southern Indiana

    I haven't gotten one yet. Anxiously waiting.
  7. University of southern Indiana fnp program

    I am anxiously awaiting my letter from them now! Fall 2014
  8. Summer/Fall '14 Admissions

    I am set to start Walden in March. I am rethinking that and have applied at UA and USI. I have also considered South, as I live near the Ga campus. 4.0 GPA, haven't taken the GRE which is the ONLY reason I am not attending my local brick and mortar N...
  9. University of Southern Indiana

    I just completed both of the application processes for USI. I hope to be accepted into the Fall 2014 class.
  10. I have been accepted into Walden's FNP program with a start date for March. I am currently in the middle of applying to South and the estimate start date is February. I have friends who have just completed their third quarter at Walden and are please...
  11. Family Nurse Practitioner at South University.

    Can you please elaborate on what problems she is having?
  12. Passed ANCC FNP today
