
jnemartin BSN, RN

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  1. Anyone else seeing sneezing with Delta?

    Cases I previously would have sworn were just allergies are now regularly testing positive with complaints of sneezing, sore throat, no fever. Eek....
  2. parent sent Vax record... and NUDE LOL

    OMG thank god it was just one person. nothing much to see, but I DID NOT zoom in LOL
  3. parent sent Vax record... and NUDE LOL

    I asked this parent to send me her kid's vax record and she sent me a link to the kid's patient portal, which of course I couldn't open. So I'm already thinking she's kinda ditzy. So I ask her to screenshot it, and she makes a joke at her own expense...
  4. A strange surprise...

    I work in a MS/HS and graduation and all the end-of-year ceremonies are coming up. Honestly, I don't know how all of them work, but I know that usually students invite identify a special teacher/staff member to be like their honorary guest for MS and...
  5. If your school asked you, would you admin COVID vax on campus

    for staff or students? my staff is vaxxed. they want this for the students
  6. If your school asked you, would you admin COVID vax on campus

    What my administration is discussing is applying to be a vaccination site. So the state/county would give us an allotment of vaccine (and possibly syringes?) and we figure out the rest. Well.... I figure out the rest. The state and county in my...
  7. My admin is throwing this around - trying to become a vax site for our school community. Ultimately, I know it will never happen because things are too disorganized, but my initial response was like... WOW!. Could they add one more thing to my COVID ...
  8. Contracts for Next SY

    that's crazy. that was my question, too. We only had 178 technically "academic" days this year, so I understand making sure we achieve the 180 days... but they added 10 days onto the calendar. Plus didn't tell anyone. The dates teachers are expected ...
  9. According to the superintendent of schools, they were not consulted or notified of this prior to the announcement. There is not (nor ever has been) any official plan or guidelines on how to open schools, so I guess schools have 10 days to figure it o...
  10. Contracts for Next SY

    Update: I negotiated a 3% raise and a $2k COVID bonus (I asked for $6k, since this is what teachers get for taking on a new class - so $2k was rather disappointing). I did sign the contract, but I have until end of March to back out. I fe...
  11. Contracts for Next SY

    I just received my contract for next year. No raise. And they want me to come in a week earlier and stay a week later, and want me to stay an extra half hour each day. I am going to lose my mind. Btw, we have been fully in person all year...
  12. Christmas Gift Commiseration Thread

    yeah, this is more what I was hoping for. I feel like $50 "bonus" is literally the least they could do for me, considering how much more and higher-profile work I've taken on (we're fully in person this entire SY). Not to sound snarky - a gift is a g...
  13. Christmas Gift Commiseration Thread

    that's awesome! I have found in my 3 years of SNing, that I usually get one or two gifts, and always from families whose kids I NEVER see. I think the parents (well, let's be real - the moms) take the faculty list and buy the same thing for everyone,...
  14. Christmas Gift Commiseration Thread

    I mean, when I worked in the hospital I never got anything, so.... LOL.
  15. Christmas Gift Commiseration Thread

    I felt a bit like Clark Griswold when I opened my holiday gift from my administration... it was a gift card to Amazon (OK, better than nothing, although I did tell my husband if it was anything less than $50, I'd have to quit. It was $50 - luck for ...