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All Content by 2bnurseforce1

  1. Nclex anxiety,,, february 2012 test

    The first time i took the test Dec 22, 2011 i got my results on the 28th and it gives you a breakdown of the content on the NCLEX and for each area it tells you either your Above passing, Below passing, or Near passing. Ever single one of mine said N...
  2. Nclex anxiety,,, february 2012 test

    i am using the saunders cd and ncsbn[color=#234786]http://learningext.com/hives/534b38552a/summary the first time i took the nclex i only used exam cram and it didn't really help me.
  3. Nclex anxiety,,, february 2012 test

    I will be testing in Feb. also, my second attempt. I AM passing this time around
  4. My story I hope this inspire others-Passed NCLEX!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats, I know your story all to well. You can do anything you put your mind to.
  5. Got my NCLEX results

    I got my nclex results in the mail yesterday with the breakdown of the areas that you are weak in. Well all of mine said near passing, nothing said below and nothing above. I am so confused what does this mean, I don't even know what areas I really ...
  6. Got my NCLEX results

    I did the PVT and got the cc screen so I knew I failed. And I got all 265 questions
  7. Opinions of Kaplan Review book only vs NCSBN Online

    I didn't use NCSBN but a few of my classmates did and they passed the NCLEX on the first try. I will be using NCSBN for my second attempt on the NCLEX. Let me know how it works out for you.
  8. Got my NCLEX results

    Anayo thanks so much I do have the Kaplan NCLEX strategies 2010 edition. Do you think that edition is good enough? I will be doing more Saunders this time around. The first time I strickly used exam cram, but I think saunders would be helpful to me.
  9. 2011 Graduates Put your hands up

    I thought it would be cool to start a thread for all that are graduating in 2011. I finish in October and have to wait for graduation in December. I would love to hear everyone's plan after they finish school. What field of nursing are they going int...
  10. 2011 Graduates Put your hands up

    Congrats everyone, what area of nursing are you in?
  11. 2011 Graduates Put your hands up

    Congrats to you. We both finish in December. It takes a special person to do pediatrics. I think I want to do cardiac stepdown.
  12. 2011 Graduates Put your hands up

    Wow congrats, how did you find a job so fast. I work for a hospital. I get a scholarship for the hospital I work at and I had to sign a two year contract, just afraid of where they may stick me when I graduate.
  13. 2011 Graduates Put your hands up

    Congrats to you. . I didn't know you had to take a CRNE in Canada. Has it been hard to find a job?
  14. The dreaded pregnancy test

    Love it. I work in a ED and see that type of stuff all the time, I wish the doctors at my hosptial would tell them that.
  15. Will I be shunned?

    First congrats on getting accepted. If study groups work for you great, if not then study alone. No one is going to look down on you for that. Everyone learns differently. Study groups can be great, but it can also be a waist of time just as someone ...
  16. I just failed nursing school

    You still have a chance, don't give up on your dream.
  17. Help with Dosage Calculations

    Hellllppppp. Hi everyone I really need help with this dosage calculation. I have been trying to work this problem and don't know where to begin. My calculations test is tomorrow. Please help. A 100 kg patient is receiving Dopamine @ 9ml/hr. The Dopam...
  18. Help with Dosage Calculations

    I have no idea if I am working it right. I normally would use dimensional anaylsis but with this problem i am just not really sure. I found that some of the IV calculations that I have been doing don't really work well with a formula.
  19. Help with Dosage Calculations

    So far I converted 200mg to 200mcg and got 200000 mcg. Then i did 200000mcg times 9ml/hr / 250ml x 60min x 100kg= 1800000/ 1500000= 1.2
  20. Personality Test for Specialty

    Never thought of any of these 1occupational med46 2med oncology46 3radiation oncology46 4allergy & immunology45 5hematology45 6ophthalmology45 7preventive med45 8physical med & rehabilitation44 9endocrinology44 10rheumatology44
  21. How do you stay sexy in nursing school

    Yeah I know what you mean, I'm from South Carolina.
  22. not looking "put together"

    I started a thread very similar to this a few weeks ago, I just wanted to know how women continue to feel feminine while working as a nurse, whether it's having your eyebrows waxed, or just wearing matching underwear and bra sets. The comments on my...
  23. not looking "put together"

    I think I know where you are going with this, I think its just a person's personal preference.
  24. How do you stay sexy in nursing school

    Yeah I work in the ER and the techs wear fake nails.
  25. Am I too young?

    Go for it, don't let your age stop you.