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About meagansmom

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  1. I have applied for a Resident Care Director position at a facility that is just being built. I applied about a month ago and was surprised when they called because it had been so long. I have been an...
  2. About Liver Cancer

    She seems to be ok, not really understanding the implications of the mets. He sees the onocologist tomorrow. I talked with him last night and he was really down and out. He had a cousin that died...
  3. About Liver Cancer

    The relief was short lived. I received a call from my ex father in law this evening the surgeon called them in and the surgery is cancelled, the tests that were did show mets to the spine. The...
  4. About Liver Cancer

    Update: I talked with my daughter about this on Friday and she did better than I thought. Thanks for the advice. The surgery is Thursday we'll see how it goes from there. From what I read I wouldn't...
  5. About Liver Cancer

    Thanks for responging: He has been sick for a LONG time. He already looks like he just came from a concentration camp and has for a while now. She is quite interested in medicine and wants to be a...
  6. About Liver Cancer

    I will try to make this short. I recently found out my ex husband, divorced to 10 years, has liver cancer. We have a 14 year old daughter. We divorced due to problems that eventually damage your...
  7. Consulting Firms/Consultant ??

    I have never been at an agency where a consulting firm has been hired until now. I assumed that would mean that there would be a live person there basically on a day to day basis??? In this...
  8. Question about a new LPN getting into HH

    Most home health's won't hire LPNs without at least 1 year of experience. The reasoning behind that is in the home you have to make at times spur of the moment decisions without anyone there to help,...
  9. How much time does the LPN to RN Bridge program save you?

    Maybe I looked at mine wrong but the actual nursing portion is 12 months. It doesn't appear that I can challenge the OB/GYN portion like you can in others. So really and truly I suppose I will shave...
  10. I am working on my prereqs for the LPN to RN Bridge program at my local college. This is new program they just started about 2 years ago. I have looked into other programs that would have meant more...
  11. LPN to RN with no schooling?

    Please let me know if you hear anything else on this. Has this proposal been brought before the GA Board of Nursing? I am working on a transition program right now, but it is hard to work full time...
  12. LPN to RN with no schooling?

    I live in Ga and haven't heard of this. There certainly is a shortage. Right now I am going to school in the transition
  13. LPN to RN Salary Question

    My hospital does the same gives you 1/2 years credit for LPN. So if I was an RN today it would be like having 8 years experience, since I have been an LPN for 16 years. And that would mean a big pay...
  14. As a single mom this concerns me as well. I need/have to work fulltime to keep insurance and pay my bills. But I was thinking of maybe taking a student loan and cutting back to PRN and risk no...
  15. Are LPN's really nurses in the eyes of RN's

    I have been an LPN for 16 years and in my facility I always worked as a "nurse". Reading this post I am amazed that some facilties won't let you hang or push IVs or call doctors. I have always done...