I have a question about Mountainside. I am keen to get started on my pre reqs this fall so that after completing them (which will take 2 years), I can apply to Mountainside for their nursing courses...
Good luck in that final! For those of you who are in or have completed A&P I, how many hours a week do you think I should set aside to study? I know that obviously the more, the better, but...
I am hoping to do the Mountainside Hospital School of Nursing program. I need to talk to them about what I can use from my existing degree, but from what I understand I need to take A&P I and II,...
Thank you. I worry about starting all these pre reqs (which I think will take two years) and then not getting into nursing school. How many classes at CC do people normally take together? I figure...
This is my first post - I am very new to this, but would appreciate some advice. I am very keen to attend nursing school, and I have all of the admissions requirements (the high school, the class...