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All Content by duskyjewel

  1. duskyjewel

    Pearson Vue Trick--trick no more

    Except you wouldn't have been falsely charged. You would have been validly charged after filling out an online order form and clicking on a button to consent to the processing of a charge to your card. Just because you bought something and now don't...
  2. duskyjewel

    New CNA

    No class can instill that. That's something people either get trained in as they're being raised, learn the hard way, or never get.
  3. duskyjewel

    How to survive without a support system??

    I'm sorry your family is not supportive. Do you have good friends who can fulfill that support role when you need it? Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. :)
  4. duskyjewel

    Sticky situation .. What would you do?

    You too.
  5. duskyjewel

    Reading in Nursing School

    Love this! Thanks, I am gaining tips before I start! I've always been a good student, but I've never had to go to school with a family and working full time before.
  6. duskyjewel

    Would you do this...? Thoughts....

    The $1600 is what they are willing to pay for the privilege of not having to take responsibility for doing that. Wish I had money to waste like that.
  7. duskyjewel

    RN to BSN in MI? Y or N if plan to be stay @ home mom?

    applesxoranges gave good advice, but even if you choose not to work (for pay) at all for a while, once you have that BSN no one can ever take that away from you. You can always take a refresher course after your years at home and then get back into ...
  8. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    And it's clear your ignorance of my faith is just as deep as whatever claim you try to make against me. I've made my points, and demonstrated that many of you are bigoted against the religious . I have nothing further to add.
  9. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    There are many people who don't support gay marriage and are not religious. There are even gay people who don't support legalized gay marriage. Why do you insist on seeing your opponents monolithically when they are not? Why do you force character...
  10. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    Yes, He does give us free will. But we are supposed to exercise it in accordance with His law. Listening to one's conscience is only valid when that conscience is well-formed. I'm paraphrasing, but Dietrich Bonhoeffer was very wise when he said th...
  11. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    No, you just said it's immoral for people to use their moral viewpoints in voting.
  12. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    The belief in objective right and wrong. There are things that are always wrong regardless of prevailing opinion. There are things that are always right, regardless of personal opinions. When you hold a belief in objective right and wrong, you act...
  13. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    You're advocating viewpoint discrimination. You think that people with certain views shouldn't be allowed to exercise their inborn rights as citizens of this country and their state. The problem with that is that once it becomes accepted, it invari...
  14. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    Okay, so then only those who hold traditional moral views shouldn't be allowed to influence legislation? Because voting against Prop 8 was just as much a statement of a moral position as was voting for it.
  15. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    No, it was a proposition to define marriage as between one woman and one man. It passed, resoundingly, but the court struck it down.
  16. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    So you would say the same to people who voted against Prop 8 in California then, right? Their moral views should not impact legislation.
  17. duskyjewel

    NSC Doubling Tuition - Fall 2015

    Well.....I guess that's one way to relieve impaction in nursing programs.
  18. I stand corrected then. Good to know!
  19. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    Exactly. That's how the nurses I work with explained it to me. Thank you. The morphine may help the person relax enough to "let go" but it's their disease that kills them.
  20. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    I live in a state where euthanasia/assisted suicide is not legal, and isn't likely to become so. I am perfectly capable of my job, and will still be when I move up into being a hospice nurse. Thankfully, killing isn't required of hospice nurses. I ...
  21. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    When it's about what *I* am expected to do in *my* work, then it's about me. And I will not violate my own moral beliefs. No one has the right to ask that of me, or of anyone else. I will have to answer for the choices I make, therefore I have to ...
  22. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    Did I say I would stop anyone? As if I could if they're really determined? This is a discussion board. We all express our thoughts and opinions. Some of you seem to think certain viewpoints shouldn't be allowed to exist. I will never participate ...
  23. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    I can't respond any better than RubyVee already did.
  24. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    I'm sorry, palliation of symptoms and giving comfort care until nature takes its course is completely different from intentionally overdosing someone with the intent of ending their life.
  25. duskyjewel


    This works for school too. One of my CNA classmates avoided the 2-3 year wait lists in Maricopa County by moving just one county north. She's about to finish her RN this semester, and her husband just started his first semester. Had she stayed her...