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All Content by duskyjewel

  1. duskyjewel

    Music to study to

    Well the nice thing about Gregorian chant is that it's in Latin. Since I don't understand it, it's as good as instrumental to me.
  2. PS search that name in the search box here, as I just did, and you will see that many have been contacted and it is a scam.
  3. Sounds like a scam to me. Any time you get pressured to pay immediately like that, your scam flag should go up.
  4. duskyjewel

    Music to study to

    Gregorian chant is awesome focusing/study music.
  5. duskyjewel

    Ebola here in Dallas USA

    It's confirmed that federal guidelines were not followed. Honestly, if there is an outbreak in Dallas and it spreads, it is COMPLETELY this hospital's fault! http://www.dallasnews.com/news/metro/20141001-dallas-hospital-knew-man-had-been-to-w.-afr...
  6. duskyjewel

    Nurse Staffing Costs

    Cloak and dagger, the plot thickens....
  7. duskyjewel

    Ebola here in Dallas USA

    With general American education levels on geography, and the propensity of many not to pay attention to the news, maybe the nurse didn't realize why being from Africa was relevant. Especially if he said "Liberia." There is a frightening number of A...
  8. duskyjewel

    Oxygen in dying patients.

    Honestly....many times the O2 is used for family comfort.
  9. duskyjewel

    Anyone heard from Gateway CC in Phoenix yet?

  10. duskyjewel

    Nurse Staffing Costs

    Maybe the users here should provide a good example of that, then. This person came here to get opinions from nurses. S/He obviously wants your input. I really don't understand why people felt justified in immediately attacking him/her.
  11. duskyjewel

    Puppy and nursing school?

    Puppies are a lot of work and they are also sentient beings with their own needs and rights. If you're going to adopt one then you need to recognize that and be prepared to meet those needs. They'll cry at night, you have to potty train them, train...
  12. duskyjewel

    I'm panicking! Now I can't resign!

    That is your employer's fault for not adequately covering such a long absence. Do what you need to do for yourself and your career. Trust me, they would take care of their own needs at whatever cost to you and lose no sleep over it.
  13. duskyjewel


    Yikes. Sounds like it might be time to contact the ombudsman.
  14. duskyjewel

    The culture of AN

    But what about opinions that "the masses" find offensive but are still perfectly legitimate to hold? Just because people might hold on to beliefs or ideas that the general public doesn't like doesn't mean they should be censored. Being in the major...
  15. duskyjewel

    The culture of AN

    While I understand the sentiment, I think such a flag would only add more ammo for those who cannot stand to read any viewpoint but their own.
  16. duskyjewel

    How to survive without a support system??

    This post made me think of these lyrics from Shinedown: Sometimes you have to succeed in spite of your family. I'm sorry that's the hand you were dealt.
  17. duskyjewel

    Obamacare and hospitals

    You'll have to take it up with the President then: "The Affordable Care Act -- also known as Obamacare," Obama said to applause from backers at the University of Denver. "I actually like the name," he added. "Because I do care -- that's why we fought...
  18. duskyjewel

    Would you do this...? Thoughts....

    Wow, medically-assisted bulimia. SMH. It is absolutely unbelievable the lengths some people will go to in order to avoid having to learn some self-control. And before anyone jumps down my throat, I lost 50 pounds a little more than a year ago, which...
  19. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    Really? Are you kidding with this? Many, many people take moral guidance from their religion. That's kind of the point.
  20. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    When presidential elections are decided by 5 point margins, they're landslides. Same with ballot propositions, usually. As to unconstitutionality, the Supreme Court will likely take up gay marriage in the next year or two because of conflicting ruli...
  21. duskyjewel

    Nurse, Madonna, and waitress??

    When all you can do is make fun of someone else and their viewpoint, that's a sad reflection on you, not the person you're ridiculing.
  22. duskyjewel

    New CNA

    That would be classified as learning the hard way. An academic class can't teach you work ethic, but the consequences of lacking it can.
  23. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    Actually, Prop 8 did pass, and by a large margin. The courts struck it down.
  24. duskyjewel

    Voluntary Euthanasia

    Jade, go back in the thread a bit, because Prop 8 is clearly not what you think it is.
  25. duskyjewel

    Terrified to return to work

    Oooh, that's good. :)