

home health, neuro, palliative care

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About Melina

Melina specializes in home health, neuro, palliative care.

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  1. This case didn't even involve a central line or drawing blood for lab tests, and no medical professionals were found to be
  2. UCH Pharm and Tele new hire exam

    If you want to try out a Prophecy test, offers access to a free exam. You can take any of the competencies.
  3. This is already being implemented as part of the APRN Consensus model. The move is to a population-focus instead of setting-focus. For instance, the acute/critical care CNS program I am in is now an...
  4. Nurses Talk To Nurses. Doctors Talk To Doctors

    I love this thread! The LTACH where I work has a lot of the issues you all speak of. I am planning on taking on this issue for my master's comps. I was inspired by the reports by the ACCN (Relevant...
  5. To clamp or not to clamp

    I was wondering the same thing on my last shift! It wasn't covered in our policy, so I looked it up. Depending on the manufacturer, some end caps do not require clamping to function. Clamping between...
  6. Please help with a difficult ostomy

    Have you tried Cymed? They have a novel, appliance that adheres to the skin with a tegaderm-type material. Because it is so thin, stool cant easily leak underneath. You can see them at...
  7. ECHMO game?

    I found this: ECMOjo Simulator and Trainer - Home by searching "ECMO simulator." Not sure if it is the one you are looking for, but it's kinda
  8. Chafing

    There are many anti-chafing lotions on the market. I've never tried the lanacane brand, but a lot of althetes use Bodyglide. There is also a product called Luvees ( that might be...
  9. BP arm VS calf while running pressors

    A calf BP can be significantly higher due to calcification of the lower extremity arteries. We see this all the time when taking ABIs for wound assessment. I would be hesitant to to use this to take a...
  10. I'm currently enrolled in University of Cincinnati's online CNS program, but I am transferring to CU Denver this Fall. Nice to connect with you
  11. Have you tried switching brands? Cymed makes an excellent product that uses a transparent film instead of a hydrocolloid wafer. I've used it with great success on several
  12. I have worked intake, and I can tell you that we would often not get d/c notices until after 5pm the evening of discharge, especially on the weekend. There would be know way to let you know by Friday....
  13. Wound Vac Tips and MRSA sterile dressing

    As long as the infection is being treated a wound vac is appropriate. Silver foam seems more reasonable than sterile technique. You can always call and ask the doc for his or her rationale.
  14. LPN''s HH working for you?

    No caseload? How many nurses will see a single pt? I've never heard of this either. Is there any issue with continuity of care?
  15. I chart vitals and make notes of anything exceptional with a pen (a fine tipped TUL gel pen, in fact) in the pt's home then bubble everything after the visit, usually in my car before I leave for the...