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All Content by shalynn0586

  1. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Tim. where are you finding all of your info for PO med? Someone (forgot who) said your mom told you of a great website that would help with becoming familiar with those meds
  2. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    I was thinking that we did NOT have to wear scrubs because the first day is basically just lecture. We have the option of wearing scrubs on lab days and we are REQUIRED to wear the red top and black bottoms on clinical days. Obviously, I may be very ...
  3. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Y'all are hilarious!!!! Sounds like your both wayyyyy ahead of me! I haven't even got all of my books yet...still debating on ebooks and trying to sell the text books that i've already purchased:p
  4. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Hey everyone!!!! I guess we did meet red! Not sure which one you were but yes, I was wearing a red dress with a pattern;)
  5. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Hi guys!!!! I looked for everyone but Tim!!!!!!!! I was looking for someone wearing black scrub pants!!! Other than the drug test that took quiet a bit of time, everything went great! I was wearing a red dress so if you saw me, maybe we will recogniz...
  6. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    I just bought a scrub lot for $17 off forney treasure exchange on fb!!!! 7 tops & 3 bottoms;D I am overwhelmingly excited!!!!!!! It seems as though we have been waiting FOREVER!!! We're meeting where we had orientation right???
  7. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Does anyone know if we have to wear something specific to orientation?
  8. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Thank you Red!!!
  9. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Red my file was complete so I did not have to go in for my file check. I have not received any emails regarding the schedule for orientation though. I have already purchased my 3 inch binder and page protectors so I will bring that along with all all...
  10. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    So is everyone ready?!?!?! What is everyone bringing with them to orientation? We do not have to wear anything specific or has anyone heard otherwise? Also, I received the email conforming the day and room but not the time. Has anyone got word on wha...
  11. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Thank you RaeAnn on the heads up! I have been debating on whether I should go ahead and buy my books. I like the thought of not having to buy ALL of those books on the list:yeah:As for our uniforms, I spoke with a prior student and she said they did ...
  12. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    hello everyone!!! i have been kind of out of the loop with everythinglately! first of all, i would like to say a big congrats to the newly acceptedstudents into the 2012 adn program!!!! what an accomplishment!!! our journeyhas just begun! i have not...
  13. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    I do not have TB either!!!! WHOOO HOO!!!! I registered for my classes today and I am going to buy some of the required textbooks from a previous student on Monday. I am doing my CPR on June 9th and then I am good to go!!! Enjoying this nice little va...
  14. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Did you guys print out the BON info. or did you order it? I would think it would be cheaper to just order it but my friend said they did not need it. I really do not want to spend $50 on something we will not use
  15. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    I got accepted today!!!! I am getting the remaining 2 shots that I need on May 20th. How is everyne signing up for their TB screening and CPR?
  16. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Josh, Do you know how many alternate positions actually filled for your class?? I just found out I am on the active laternate list but I am thinking I may be at the upper half of alternates considering my score. Any idea?
  17. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    I asked ***** if I should go ahead and do my CPR and she advised me that I should not because basically if I am accepted as an alternate they will waive the fees of doing everything late so to speak. It says that I was contigent on my immunizations s...
  18. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Well everyone, I am an active alternate:icon_roll A least I MAY get in I suppose. I just spoke with ***** and she said 60 people got in this year and their are 20 on the alternate list. She could for obvious reasons not disclose where I am at on the ...
  19. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    I have yet to receive an e-mail:( Guess we will see tomorrow
  20. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Ohhhh btw!!! Congrats Tim!! VERY VERY happy for you!
  21. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Still waiting myself... Red, it's down to me & you!!!!!!!!!!! I went shopping & took my kiddos to McDonalds to play just so I would stop looking at this computer screen!!!!!
  22. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    I am in the same boat with you guys! I think I scored a 102 if calculated correctly. I have completed my core classes as of December so I am really hoping this is my time but, we will know soon enough I hope:) Like tomorrow would be nice!!!
  23. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Congrats abd!!!!!!! What time did you receive your e-mail?? Wondering if I should stop looking for the!
  24. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    Congrats!!!!! I am stillw aiting myself but like you said Tim it will all work itself out!!! just anxious to see what my future holds
  25. Navarro ADN-RN program Fall 2012

    One of the girls in my Micro class from last semester has not received anything at all.. I recommended that she contact **** because we had received an e-mail as of yesterday... The waiting game continues for me!!! Still checking my e-mail NON-STOP!