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About Fabnurseat40

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  1. Transition to School Nurse

    Hello and Welcome to School Nursing! Your state should have mandated trainings to complete in order to work as a school nurse. I am in Massachusetts, and the following are a list of what we must...
  2. Finally!! After 17 years.....

    Now that's persistence right there!!! Congratulations
  3. Taking NCLEX in 2 Days - 7 months out of school

  4. Taking NCLEX in 2 Days - 7 months out of school

    I didn't take the Hurst Review, but I can respond to the part about being a Mom. We are in a similar situation- I was out of school since 2013, have 4 children and just passed the boards (on my 3rd...
  5. failed nclex-rn x6

    My heart goes out to you and there is HOPE. Several friends of mine have taken the exam multiple times (more than 5, and a few more than 8 times) and all have PASSED. You will too, when the time is...
  6. NCLEX: Like a Deer in the Headlights. Ch 10

    Loved your post, RN!!!!
  7. Virtual ATI

    You're welcome! That's what this forum is about...encouraging each other on this NCLEX roller coaster ride. I also used Kaplan Q Bank, scored mostly in the 60-70 range, took the Kaplan review (but...
  8. Virtual ATI

    I have foundthrough personal experience and many nursing school friends that the Predictor score isn't necessarily representative of passing NCLEX. Let me explain-I made the mistake of waiting for the...
  9. Reciprocity among nursing schools?

    Hi! I'm currently a student in MA and may be moving to NC in the near future. The move wasn't part of our plan, (especially with young children!), but in this economy we need to move for my...