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About ercastro2

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  1. kenderella89 - only 1 out of the 3 really said for me to call them back once I have the baby. The other 2 were very excited to hire me until I told them I was pregnant then they found an excuse not to...
  2. UC Davis Residency March 2013

    precepted in Peds but currently work as a Nurse Assistant in adult cardiac so I'm hoping to get invited for
  3. Pregnancy Discrimination - Interview

    To compound matters, I am a new grad in California been looking for that first job for a year now. I had 3 fantastic interviews in 3 different states. 2 were phone interviews and they couldn't wait to...
  4. Hello my name is ercastro2 and I’m an unemployed New Grad. License type: BSN Time out of school: just hit the year mark Graduated 12/11 # of positions applied to date: lost count somewhere around...
  5. Giving up on California

    Well Missouri fell through. It was for the NICU the managers loved me and wanted me, but the nurse educator decided i didn't have enough experience... I just did an interview with Duke in north...
  6. Interview at Duke

    Doing my interview tomorrow for peds cardiology... I flew in from California to do this interview, so i hope it works out. anyone else interviewing tomorrow or this week? What
  7. So should I disclose that I am pregnant during a phone interview or wait to see if I land an in person interview and disclose this information? I really want this position and don't want to...
  8. Is it possible to get into a NICU?

    Kidrn911 where are you located? I also really want to get into a NICU. I however am one of those darn new grads that nobody really wants . I've done the NRP class and did my senior semester in peds...
  9. Giving up on California

    I've been applying in the Midwest: Ohio, Indiana, Missouri. I've also read that Virginia, North/South Dakotas, Florida, Texas, Arizona are also all hiring (I've been applying there too). Once I find...
  10. Giving up on California

    I've been out of school now for over 8 months and have sent out, at the very least, over 175 applications; have had 4 interviews and more rejections than I can count. I just don't believe California...
  11. New Grad RN with interview at Children's Mercy needs help

    Hi, I see this is an older post, but I just received a call to do a phone interview for the NICU with Mercy Springfield. Wondering if anyone can give any advice. I've been checking out thier web site...
  12. UC Davis - Nurse Residency - October 2012

    I hope we all hear something soon! Aug seems so far away right now LOL. This will be my 3rd try with UC Davis, the first time was before I had my license, the 2nd time they weren't hiring for peds,...
  13. I'm totally crushed, i didn't receive a call either... I just with I knew what went wrong... Good luck to those who made it to round
  14. We find out about round 2 today... if we get a call we made it! If not we get an e-mail tomorrow.... I'm a nervous reck! Oh and wanted to say Hi to my interview buddies: Danielle, Stacy, and
  15. UCSF NEW GRAD RN Training Program!! 2012

    kv07 - they called and let me know that I was not