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About fuerza757

Student Lpn-Rn

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  1. Indiana State University BSN students

    Hi Chaxanmom and other ISU students, I have been learning a lot from your posts. You guys are great and I am so glad that I found this tread. I have read that the ISU and EC programs are challeging...
  2. LPN to RN what is your motivation?

    hi, i know what you mean. are you in a
  3. clep out??

    How do you schedule the clep test?
  4. LPN to RN what is your motivation?

    Hi ER, One colleague I work with, that is finishing her last Excelsior class, was going to go to Monroe, she went as far as being accepted and was all ready to start classes online but, then decided...
  5. LPN to RN what is your motivation?

    Hi, FNP is an excellent goal choice. Many of the NP's I work with have such a great sense of patient needs and how to met them. I love working with NP's. How do you attempt to achieve your...
  6. LPN to RN what is your motivation?

    Hi, I guess there is no reason to make the trip right now, I am aware of the classes needed, so I will just wait until I am able to take the prereqs. MCCC would be such a great option, when I finish...
  7. LPN to RN what is your motivation?

    ER, MCC schedule isn't looking good for me, The A&P Course is Mon-Thurs and 4.5-5 hrs. Lec/Lab. Hours ranging from 1700-2145 ekkk, or 1300-1700ish...ekkk. The schedule is posted check it
  8. Indiana State University BSN students

    I had no idea the clinical set-ups could possibly result in an one-one clinical situation. I could see where that would beneficial. Thanks, and best wishes. One more question are using a program for...
  9. Indiana State University BSN students

    Hi Everyone, Quick Question: 1. Has anyone made it to the clinical portion, if so how does it work and how are the sites chosen? 2. Has anyone actually finished their program, specifically LPN-BSN....
  10. LPN to RN what is your motivation?

    LOL, that's ok I understand....... I will be looking at A& P for Summer @ MCC, alot of people don't recommend it, because of the short semester. Registration starts on the 23rd. Are you going to...
  11. LPN to RN what is your motivation?

    Hey, ER Thank you, Thank you!! I found the link for Monroe, O my God I am soo excited the program looks perfect. I didn't see any Hesi or Net requirement ?? Do you have this info? I did see nclex CAT...
  12. LPN to RN what is your motivation?

    That sounds like a great plan. We are in the same boat, I too have two kids, mine are in middle school, hubby works days too so evening are a better option for me. I love my job also and would love to...
  13. LPN to RN what is your motivation?

    Way to go!!!! That is great.... You are on your way!!!! As I mentioned before I have been in school for sometime, we just relocated to MI in Oct, so I went ahead and registered for classes and started...
  14. LPN to RN what is your motivation?

    Thanks ER Junkie, You are so right; over the past week I have contemplated my own motivation. It could not be narrowed down. Being several...my commitment, The benefits of an income increase, more...
  15. Anyone work for the VA?

    Hi Onyx77, I know exactly how you feel. I am the daughter of a Vietnam vet I witnessed the care or lack of during my father's life. I decided a long time ago that I would play a very smart part in the...