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All Content by LittleMissSunshine10

  1. Graduate nurse and ER?

    I started out in ER but had four years prior experience as a CNA. The nurses may seem "cold" or whatever but those I work with are excellent. You need to GET IN THERE. If there is something you are unsure of you better get in on it because that's the...
  2. Advice - I'll need a meal tray too

    I am with you on this. Nobody gets fed unless they are being held for an extensive period of time. They are lucky if I go back and get them a saltine cracker because "i can't take my pill on an empty stomach." Candy and pop machines are out in waitin...
  3. Your least favorite patient.

    1-The patient family that comes in daily for non-emergency problems: Sore throat, cough, zit. 2-Drunks. 3-Psychs-The angry ones. I'm learning we all have the same "least liked patients" list.