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  1. Urine specific gravity for nclex

    1.010 -
  2. NCLEX test taking and storm Sandy in NYC

    you can re-sched your exam on pearson's website. just don't do it the day before the exam coz' it wont allow
  3. are you an international
  4. what is your study
  5. PearsonVue Trick?

    if you tried to register again and it directs you to the CC page it means you didn't got it. im answering you based on my experienced. my first take i failed. my 2nd take it didn't allowed me to...
  6. Very confused and trying not to panic

    if they already posted the license # it means you passed. but maybe they are double checking it together with Pearson vue. like the camera
  7. nclex failed, 265 questions..

    sad to hear that. don't give up. you know you failed before you finished? that means you lose your concentration. a probable reason is that maybe you didn't prepare yourself to answer 265 questions,...
  8. Failed NCLEX RN 3 times, 2012

    stick with the source that you have. there is nothing wrong about your sources. It's about you, study habits how long you study in a day, practice questions and if you really understand what you are...
  9. its past tense "REGISTERED" chill
  10. Passing without a review course

    i passed using kaplan nclex book PDA lacharity self review. but then again only you can answer if your ready or
  11. nclex att for philippine graduate

    @Steppy and RMCU: thanks, just took the BLS and planning to get the ACLS then apply ASAP. lol GOODLUCK you guys can do it
  12. nclex att for philippine graduate

  13. how difficult is it? it's like eating marshmallows with lots of thumbtacks on it.
  14. nclex att for philippine graduate

    im a PI grad too. it took 3-4 weeks before my ATT came. don't look for a job. i passed my exam on the 2nd take. i failed my first one coz i dont have time to review because of my job. so review...
  15. What do you do the day before the test?

    the day before? have a nice dinner, don't review the day before or hours before the exam. this will ruin everything. cramming doesn't do good in this exam. and have a sleep atleast 7-8 hours! PRAY,...