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About Nursebaby23

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  1. Med Errors

    Insulin freaks me out! I had a potentially bad situation to arise from the administration of the wrong type of insulin (Humalog instead of Lantus). Luckily this patient's blood glucose never dropped...
  2. Lexapro

    I have been taking Lexapro for almost a year. I was taking Wellbutrin, and could not tell a difference. Honestly, Lexapro has made me a lot better person! It has really "mellowed" me out. Things that...
  3. are all psych facilities like this?

    I have been an LPN for 3 years, and just recieved my RN. I have always wanted to persue psych nursing, but in my area most mental health facilities will only hire RNs. I will be starting at a state...
  4. Admitting Diagnosis

    I work in LTC, but I think this d/x began with the unit secretary in the hosp. where the pt. was discharged: mixed edema. When she got to our facility nobody even questioned it. However, she was...
  5. Roll Call, LPN to RN Students!!!

    Hi everyone! My name is Tiffany, and I have been a LPN for 2 1/2 years. I am 24, no kids (yet), no husband (yet). I started back to school last January and will graduate in May '06 as an ADN. 1 more...
  6. What can you just NOT take?

    Rotting flesh does it for
  7. Sunrise Hospital good? Bad?

    That sounds horrible!!! Where do you work now
  8. Sunrise Hospital good? Bad?

    I plan on relocating to NV when I pass NCLEX. I have also considered Sunrise. I will be staying with family, and this hospital is very close to where I will be staying. That is a major factor for me....
  9. Stigma against Psych.

    I am lucky enough to live close to a state mental health facility that has been around over 100 years. My grandmother worked there as a nurse and my mother did as a NA. OMG, the stories they have...
  10. I worked in a hospital lab before I became a nurse; one guy had a serum glucose level of 1100. He was found unresponsive in his home. However, even though they were able to bring it down, he died from...
  11. Is a community college education a bad one?

    Locality, cost, and pass rates are definitely important. I have tried the BSN thing, and found that the environment was very competitive. I really questioned the qualities that particular BSN program...
  12. dress code policies in hospital setting

    I work in a LTC facility that requires all nurses and aides to wear white. Nurses must wear caps...I work weekends so I can usually get by without wearing my cap all of the time because the...
  13. So embarrassed, just want to vent.

    It sounds to me that no one in that office working could have been a nurse. Even if there was a nurse in the crowd, would you have wanted to work for people like that anyway? How would they treat the...
  14. Are LPN's/LVN's real nurses?

    It is just a title. I know some LPNs that can run circles around a RN. On the other hand, there are some LPNs that could not run circles around a tree. I felt very pressured to return to school to...
  15. NURSES! NURSES! Stop eating your young!!!

    You can not be eaten unless you allow yourself to be eaten. Either you get tired and show your own fangs, or become burned out because people run all over you. Experienced nurses also have a "knack"...