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  1. NYS Students

    NYS, in an effort to push back on diploma mills, requires any higher education institution that offers any part of its program within the state (including clinicals) to be approved by the state...
  2. Low BScN GPA, getting into NP

    A 3.0 is the bare minimum GPA for any reputable program. Your best option is to take any college classes (for credit) to increase your GPA. It would be wonderful if you can take something healthcare...
  3. BS to MSN for RN

    There are MSN programs that will accept students who are RNs + have a bachelor's degree in any field but they are not the majority. Since you didn't mention any specialty or type of program you are...
  4. Post-Masters Nurse Practitioner

    Many school have a minimum GPA of 3.0 but (officially or unofficially) expect a GPA of at least 3.5 if you have a master's degree or higher. Regardless of your other qualifications, your application...
  5. BSN or MSN with only RN diploma?

    In terms of job opportunities, it doesn’t matter. You will be considered a new grad/entry level nurse regardless of whether you get the BSN or MSN. Some healthcare organizations might pay you a...
  6. CNS or Education?

    I think you want to be a CNS. Part of CNS practice includes staff development and education which sounds like what interests you more. CNS are often encouraged to maintain involvement in clinical...
  7. I’ve never even heard of a school that offers additional pathophys classes. Some schools will allow you to take additional courses provided you pay the extra tuition however I think there would be...
  8. CNM/WHNP...why or why not?

    I think a dual WHNP/CNM would be redundant. Maybe someone else can weigh in but, as far as I know, there aren’t any benefits to doing both (not to mention the extra schooling, boards, and maintains...
  9. CNM/WHNP...why or why not?

    For the life of me, I don’t know why someone would do a dual CNM/WHNP. Literally the entire scope of practice for the WHNP is contained the CNM scope. I get that midwifery is often poorly understood...
  10. Domestic Violence Screening

    I applaud your goals of providing holistic healthcare and trying to screen for IPV. Unfortunately, however, without resources and a plan in place for what you would do in the event someone says they...
  11. Best path to PMHNP?

    I wouldn’t worry too much about going into psych right away as a new grad if that’s what interests you. The advice that every nurse needs a couple years of med-surg is very outdated. Certainly it...
  12. DNP Research Project Ideas

    I think part of the idea of the DNP is for you to be translating the current research/evidence into practice guidelines not simply finding existing guidelines. In terms of a PICOT question, you...
  13. I would cut the first 3 paragraphs entirely. While they tell some nice anecdotes about you, they do nothing to answer any of the prompts, and honestly sound like they were copied and pasted from a BSN...
  14. Regis College DNP Nurse Educator Track 2021

    Most DNP programs that require around 1,000 hours are post-BSN programs training advanced practice nurses. Since typical NP programs include 500-650 clinical hours, another 400 would put the total at...
  15. Post-Graduate Certificates?

    Whether or not your midwifery training was completed as part of your MSN, post-masters, or DNP wouldn’t matter to most employers. You shouldn’t have a problem enrolling in a post-masters after an...