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About Rick_s3

love helping people

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  1. What's you're favorite skill?

    well i can say this...depending on the vein type....i can start 9 out of 10 in the hand...i use alot of pressure on the center knuckle pulling the skin tight ....keeps the vein from rolling......hope...
  2. i personally pulled a splinter out of a little girl in the ER. But with lack of insurance toothe ache is the most common
  3. My first shift tomorrow as an RN...

    Good luck adam!!! I myself will start my first shift in a huge rehab center as a charge nurse.you seem too have the right attitude as do i(im told thats the one thing we always have control of) we...
  4. cool i miss the formal dress myself! with the stockings.......but thats another matter......i became a nurse after many years of factory work(16) got laid off when a plant closed......got TAA its a...
  5. WHY are nurses so catty??

    ditto pete....its all about the team....too much of the 3 b's bickering,b**chin,blabbin...for the other
  6. What's nursing school like?

    nursing school is hard....you are tested daily one way or another,...but it should be!would anyone want a nurse caring for their loved one who had an easy time and was not pushed too the point of...
  7. Help For A Paper - Asap

    well first off if its research...its already something in practice....now if you are talking theory....the reason is it has to go through trial and error testing for very long periods of time before...
  8. Looking for advice on a case

    pain could be a pinched disk/nerve stool may be
  9. Ah yes...now I belong here...

    congradulations!!!!! i finish up june 15th i have great classmates and instructors so im gonna miss it
  10. LPN question..

    in central ohio....hospitals are so short staffed they are hiring a large group of lpn's and they must sign an agreement to get their rn within 2 years......that way they get what they
  11. help with injections im!!!

    hopefully you have been taught the z-track method for i,m injections pushing skin and loose sq away from site....releasing as you withdraw the
  12. Heard a sad, scary story from my preceptor today

    well i may not know alot but here goes.......the babys head circumference by design is to max out the opening for the shoulders and rest of the body to pass. so it would...