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All Content by crn26

  1. I get this all the time. I laugh it off and tell them my real age. I am 28 and people ask if I am 18. I then ask if they would want a teenager being a nurse. The best thing is to not take it personally and feel happy that you look young and not old.
  2. 5 things you wish you knew as a new nurse

    That you are going to feel dumb in the beginning few years. Doctors are going to talk to you and you will not always have the answer. You will go home and go through the day or night, making sure that you did everything correctly and charted everythi...
  3. I have worked both. I worked nights for two and a half years on a med-surge unit. I started out my nursing career on nights. Nights was good for me because it was slower and I could really get learn my nursing skills. Nights was either really busy or...
  4. What's it like working on neurology unit?

    I recently received a job on a med-surge neuro floor. If anyone has any ideas on what it may be like, I would love some responses. If anyone has a report sheet geared for neuro patients I would be interested in that too!!