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About bedwards6

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  1. Gross Me Out ? Contest | Nurses Week

    I was working in the ER it was my very first night on trauma. I had previously told my charge nurse I would do anything but eyeballs because they gross me out. My very first trauma was a delusional...
  2. Hospitals Firing Seasoned Nurses: Nurses FIGHT Back!

    I left the hospital after 33 years, going to work in an aircraft plant in occupational health. When that position was contracted out, I became a production line supervisor as I wanted to stay with...
  3. Nurses are truly underpaid

    I've been an RN for nearly 35 years. I've worked NICU, ER, pre/post op, and as a flight nurse. I now work in a factory as an Occupational Health nurse. A factory worker with a high school education...
  4. I feel like a glorified maid

    I've been an RN for 32 years now. Though I've never worked the floor, I've done NICU, Cath Lab, ER/trauma, Air/Ground transport, Flight nursing, and PACU/POCU. The push for patient satisfaction is...
  5. What's the funniest most unusual baby name?

    I worked NICU for 18 years.....Some of my most memorable were....Tenacious, lady parts (pronounced va-jeana), Jazz January, and name a
  6. New Grad just hired into NICU!!

    Congrats! I was a NICU nurse for 18 years and loved it. Now I'm a flight it
  7. 1st Nursing Cartoon caption contest - win $100

    He says he's a "service dog". I say he's an undercover
  8. Diet Coke, trauma shears, tape, at least 3 pens.....did I mention Diet