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About dodiewayne

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  1. 40 yr old with GED. Is a MSN even possible?

    I am an LVN going for my BSN eventually to a NP. I am 43. I graduated nursing school in 2011. The last grade I finished was the 6th grade. I went on to take and pass GED in 2000. There is hope. Don't...
  2. LVN Burnout

    I think the main thing is, I found my first job at LTC and have stayed there. I did venture out once, to a psych unit but this was at the time my back was going out so I never really got a chance to...
  3. LVN Burnout

    I have thought about Hospice. For some reason that appeals to me. I have found though, that it is really hard to get into. Home health is a little easier (little) than hospice to get into. I find that...
  4. LVN Burnout

    Thank you so much for your input! I have been thinking about informatics. I think I need much more education for that. I am a self taught computer nerd but probably need some certifications behind me....
  5. Nclex rn 2015 75 questions

    In my experience with the nclex, mine shut down at 75 questions. ..I passed. Unless you horribly failed I would think you would have gotten more questions. I do believe 75 is the earliest cut off. I...
  6. LVN Burnout

    Yes I feel very isolated. Our schedule is 3 on 1 off...4 on 2 off and every 3rd weekend we get 3 off. It feels like I need to rest all the time. If I am home I'm tired, asleep, or grumpy. I use to...
  7. LVN Burnout

    This is exactly how I am feeling. I want to call in but won't due to feeling obligated to my pts and my coworkers. I have been looking into informatics with nursing but seems you really need an RN...
  8. LVN Burnout

    I have only been an LVN for 4 years and am wondering if what I feel is burn out. I have worked at the same LTC since I received my license. I use to work baylor weekends - in which I worked 2 doubles...
  9. Documentation-- Who trains new nurses?

    I started in my nursing career in ltc. My facility has charting ques sheet for mcr charting. Each mcr patient has one issued by the states their admit dx and comorbidities. It has a list of...
  10. I always aspirate any IM injection. This is how I was taught. Yes if you draw back blood your in a vein. Pull out- prepare med again as that one is contaminated and do again. As far as IV meds...I...
  11. Ok I am a fairly new LVN...two years out of school. I have been working at a skilled nursing facility for the past two years. I applied for a position with an agency...completed the phone interview...
  12. Online transition programs for LVNs for Texas

    My intentions where also to sign up with Lamar this year. I also saw that they had pulled their openings for the rest of the year. I called them and talked with the nursing department. I was told that...
  13. Nurses laughing so hard...

    Love it!!
  14. Epic (Nursing) FAILS!

    oh wow I have had one of these days lol!!! Thank you for sharing ...I have to go dry my eyes now lol. Its nice to see I am not the only one who has days like these
  15. LPN Hours?

    Work weekend doubles from 645 am to 1130 pm. I only work sat and Sunday and i am given 8 extra hours a week added to my check to complete 40 hours. I like it. It gives me all week off unless i want to...