Hillbilly RN

Hillbilly RN BSN

M/S and NICU Certified-Now Retired

Was in Peds 10 years, NICU 17 years, Med-Surg 16 years. Never stopped feeling the need to care for others. Today I tend wild animals from chipmunks to black bears.

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About Hillbilly RN

Hillbilly RN has 54 years experience as a BSN and specializes in M/S and NICU Certified-Now Retired.

Been a nurse 43 yrs. Been in NICU, Peds and Med/Surg. Came from CA to TN 18 yrs. ago. Still can't believe the change! By the way, if you read this far, I practiced in a 2 bed hospital here in NE TN. I do inpatients and outpatients and ED. Yep, only 2 beds so I can could give lots of patient centered care. Now I am retired and tend to my animals. My favorite is all the birds I have but care for all other furry creatures from chipmunks to a very big black bear that comes to my place every Spring. I live with my wife of 17 years who looks after me like you cannot believe. I am not as healthy as I could be. Diabetes, stage 5 CKD, obesity, HTN. I do not complain because all my conditions are no ones fault but my own and I take full responsibility and blame no one else.

Latest Activity

  1. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    I am really sorry for your loss. Lost my German Shorthaired Pointer 7 years ago and not a day goes bye that I do not think of him. I know someday we will be back together and that he is waiting for...
  2. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    Back in 2012, the Mayans predicted the end of us all and we thought nothing happened. Well we were wrong, we were shifted into a new reality in a parallel universe and that has been where we have been...
  3. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    Boy if that ain't the truth
  4. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    As all my colleagues here have said you need to live one day at a time. No one knows what the future holds. If it is destined for me to wear a mask the rest of my life, so be it. If they are destined...
  5. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    I am more southern than most around me. I am from So. Cal which is more south than TN. This is a much more relaxed life style and one I am most appreciative of. I used to be an ocean boy. Now I am a...
  6. Nurses Disciplined, Fired for Wearing Hospital-Issued Scrubs

    I have 6 pairs of navy blue scrubs sitting in my closet from the "old days" before I retired. Somehow admins across the country must have read some study that to dress workers in different colors...
  7. Nurses Disciplined, Fired for Wearing Hospital-Issued Scrubs

    Not to condone what was being done, but everything the nurse does today was once the domain of the MD. B/P's, IV's, assessments were all strictly for doctors. The way nurses finally got these were...
  8. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    I have been within 15 feet of a flock. I respect their power. I also have a friend I cal Yogi. I also get close to him but never too close. Usually I just sit and watch what Mother Nature
  9. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    I am in Mountain
  10. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    Because of so many Covidiots, I expect that I will live out my final years masked when I go out in public. I am not sure a vaccine will ever be developed. I need to protect myself no matter what...
  11. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    I will be honest. I will not take the vaccine immediately. Having treated a couple of people after the Swine Flu Vaccine debacle, I think I will wait to see that the vaccine does not harm those who...
  12. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    Could not agree more. I have been to Alaska. Absolutely loved it. Sun did not set until after midnight and was up again early. Summer is great and winters is a whole other story ? Retirement is a...
  13. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    I will be honest. It is the difference between night and day. It is a major adjustment. Culture shock at it's most interesting. My town has 3 grocery stores. When I moved here, no store had a ream of...
  14. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    Thank You. I appreciate the information. You are most
  15. Living as an older individual with comorbidities

    I did what you said and got this message "You are only allowed to send 0 messages per day. Please try again later." I have no idea what that