So I dropped off my first nursing school app at the mail box today (SFSU)!!! 1 in 10 chance of getting in!!! So crazy!!! Now for the waiting game!! Anyone else submitting
I have to find a balance between learning and psyching myself up for the medical field (I do lots of research on nursing and healthcare and work at a peds cardio clinic) and taking a complete break...
I'm doing it (with math and sociology, 17 units total)! Its difficult, and you'll have no social life, but its totally doable. You just have to study your butt off and use your time very wisely! I...
I try to study at a library or coffee shop (Starbucks has 50 cent refills, just saying haha), I get too distracted at home. I also study with friends ("Oh, you have a break at the same time I do?...
I'm finally in my last major semester of pre-reqs (In the spring all I have is stats and developmental psych and I'll have already turned in my applications, so I consider this Fall my last...
I go through my ritual of making my binder (it's a very specific system), make study plans for each subject, buy my books, label everything haha, and plan healthy
I'm applying to CSU Sacramento, San Jose State, and San Francisco State and possibly East Bay I have a 3.68 and scored an 87% on the TEAS V (97% national