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All Content by immystic

  1. Seattle University BSN applicants 2012

    OMG! I got accepted. WOOOhooooo!!! I had been timing the mail man and couldnt wait to have him sort through the mail and stick them in the box. So I asked him to just hand in mine. He kept picking through the small white mail until finally he came th...
  2. Seattle University BSN applicants 2012

    Yesterday when I checked my mail, my tummy was all in turmoil and my heart so heavy. But when there was nothing from SU, believe me I was sooooo happy. I dont think if I could have taken a rejection yesterday but now I have an extra day to prepare my...
  3. Seattle University BSN applicants 2012

    llexi88, from what I read, you show dedication and hard work. If I were one of the reviewers, I would definitely get you in. I think nursing is about hardwork, dedication, passion and you show all these qualities. I would like to say that I am pretty...
  4. Seattle University BSN applicants 2012

    Hey everyone? Congrats armynurse68. I like the way you expressed yourself coz it just got me thinking that I too would be very much humbled if I get accepted at Seattle U. Well I checked my mailbox this morning too. Good news is that I got a sweet15 ...
  5. Seattle University BSN applicants 2012

    Kasko; That was really impressive for a runningstart student. You have done amazingly for a highschool student. You show dedication, intensity and smart character all desirable for RN. Keep it up and congratulations. If you applied to other schools, ...
  6. Seattle University BSN applicants 2012

    Congratulations! Kasko, tell us more. That was really fast. I called them the day before to update my phone number and asked about the date to expect the result and she said end of march-early april. If u dont mind me asking, how was ur GPA and did ...
  7. Seattle University BSN applicants 2012

    lovedogs31 how r u holding up? I am a nervous reck lol. No matter how many times i tell myself that it will be okay i still worry. I check my status every week and visit this site almost everyday. Arrrgggghhh! I keep reading your's and LEKA RN's pos...
  8. Seattle University BSN applicants 2012

    thank you lovedogs31. i have been to su and it’s really beautiful and if there is one best thing among many that su has and which i love about is their kind, professional and supportive attitude which by far surpasses any other school that i had to c...
  9. Seattle University BSN applicants 2012

    NB/ i have also applied to other schools but for some unexplainable feeling, my heart really wants to get in to the BSN program at SU. :/
  10. Seattle University BSN applicants 2012

    Thank you lovedogs31 for the kind support. I too think i have over obsessed with my application. I had called and spoke to one of the counslors who advised me that there is nothing i can do other than may be email them with an official update on the ...
  11. Seattle University BSN applicants 2012

    I have been keeping track with all the postings and afraid to participate because I just dont want to say it didnt happen for me a month from now. I am apprehensive as all of you are but more so than some of you because i havent had any impressive gr...