ClaraRedheart BSN, RN

Ortho, CMSRN

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All Content by ClaraRedheart

  1. ClaraRedheart

    IV Vaso-Vagal HELP

    I do the sonogram IV's on our unit... I might have seen something like this once maybe? Sometimes veins actually disappear, but if the person is actually in distress, you really shouldn't be sticking them again. Wait for them to calm down, give them ...
  2. ClaraRedheart

    Do you have a side hustle?

    Not really. I've gone part-time and I make as much now as I did as a new nurse working full time. I don't work that many extra hours. Most weeks, my hours are less than 30, but my organization really rewards you if you try to better your unit/workfor...
  3. ClaraRedheart

    Your most bonehead moment in nursing. Or 2. Or 3.

    This one is truly awful. I was in a patients room, as a new preceptee/versant nurse giving medication to a patient that I had temporarily forgotten was a cancer patient with a hat to cover her hairless head. She and her guest were watching a TV show...
  4. ClaraRedheart

    Mini Rant

    I'm sorry OP ? Sounds frustrating. You know what they say... hindsight's 20/20. I think the ladder approach, when done CORRECTLY for your area can be a great idea, and save a LOT of money. While, I went straight for BSN, and don't regret my decision ...
  5. ClaraRedheart

    What's your favorite nursing task?

    This is a fun topic! I love starting sono IV's on hard stick patients. My favorites are larger patients that actually HAVE veins, just deep ones. I do get a bit anxious when I have a patient that doesn't seem to have any good veins and I'm searching ...
  6. ClaraRedheart

    Simple Solutions to Everyday Problems

    I have a pen on a badge reel attached to a key ring and carabiner that I wear on my right waistband. Perfect for labeling IV tubing or signing a document without searching for a pen. On the same carabiner, I also keep scissors (on a reel, but detacha...
  7. ClaraRedheart

    Alcohol withdrawal unit?

    In the last 5 years, I've taken care of 6 alcohol withdrawal patients that I can think of that actually were in withdrawal. I've done CIWA and had negatives on far more. Out of the 6 patients, 4 were men. And out of the 4 men, 3 were extremely inappr...
  8. ClaraRedheart

    Safe staffing vent

    Maybe with they could get rid of the genius that thinks up the expensive frou frou and use the extra money from his salary and the nonsense aesthetics to hire another nurse. That would be cool. Will never happen though until safe staffing ratios are ...
  9. ClaraRedheart

    Was I wrong?

    If it is a patient that generally takes their pain medication as soon as it's available, it's polite to assess the patient prior to your leaving to see if they need the medication.
  10. ClaraRedheart

    Nights vs. Days

    This is an older post... but I've worked both nights and days on the same unit. Here's what I've noticed. On nights, you hit the ground running. People want to get their last walk in. You have one more patient than the day shifters have, so you stil...
  11. A quick summary: Several employees are on leave for giving lethal and potentially lethal doses of medication to dying patients. Just curious what hospice nurses think of t...
  12. ClaraRedheart

    Repositioning end stage of life hospice pts

    Thank you! Good to hear this from a hospice patient! I am not a hospice nurse, but I had a patient that would be transferring to hospice the next day. The patient would scream any time you tried to turn her from side to side and would not stop until ...
  13. ClaraRedheart

    Med-Surg Certification

    I waltzed in there thinking that I had already ran into it all, and should know it by now. I passed... but not with an amazing grade. Kind of barely. I had a few questions each on erectile disfunction and insulin drips. We deal with neither of those ...
  14. ClaraRedheart

    Why do you love being a nurse?

    I enjoy getting to know different people, and as much as I hate seeing them back in the hospital, it's nice to take care of someone I've met before. I'd rather see them out and about at Walmart! I have met some of the most interesting and amazing peo...
  15. ClaraRedheart

    Religion & Ectopic Abortion

    I am very pro-life, and a conservative Christian, but as others have echoed, the pregnancy is not viable if it is truly ectopic. Baby and mom will both die if it continues and it is only currently possible to save one of the two lives.
  16. ClaraRedheart

    No one to talk to about nursing... Am I crazy?

    You might ask your supervisor/boss if there are any committees that you can get involved with. There are lots of committee's within my hospitals system and I learn so much by working with them! One of my favorite is our EBP committee, we are informe...
  17. I had a poor GPA from two previous colleges when I decided to go to nursing school. The university that I wanted to get my BSN from just didn't transfer any credits with C's, so that raised my GPA substantially. I did well on my pre-reqs there, not t...
  18. ClaraRedheart

    Vaccine controversy

    As a mom myself, and a nurse... I've admittedly been late on some of my son's and daughters vaccinations. I think that reminders via text would be awesome! Or maybe at the office, they could set your next appointment when your kids next vaccination i...
  19. Same here! Haha! I think they call themselves spoonies cuz they all clearly have the Munchies... Munchhausens, I mean. I'm sure that some have some legit illnesses, but this is just whackadoodle!
  20. ClaraRedheart

    Opposite Sex Coworker Social Boundaries

    I read the first page of posts, so.. I'm sure someone else echoed this. Who have you committed to live with and stay beside through life with? Your wife, or your co-workers? You ALWAYS side with the spouse, unless they're doing something illegal or i...
  21. ClaraRedheart

    Nurses Eat Their Young

    Maybe they're oblivious to it? I don't know them personally, and can't judge. But I never would have believed that some of my co-workers could behave in the way that they do if I didn't start charging. I was in an evidence based practice class and he...
  22. ClaraRedheart

    Nurses Eat Their Young

    I had one nurse who I got the feeling did not like me when I was a new nurse. Nothing specific, until she obviously rolled her eyes at me when I came up to the desk to ask her a question one night when she was charge. Granted, I was very anxious and ...
  23. ClaraRedheart

    Grossed out for the first time this year

    Try not to judge the parents too hard... my siblings and I all have terrible teeth and are very cavity prone, and we brushed twice a day. One brother kept breaking his teeth before being old enough to get cavities. The dentist said that it could be a...
  24. ClaraRedheart

    7 Questions About Near Death Awareness

    My great grandmother, sick with brain cancer, got up and got dressed to the nines one Sunday morning and told her daughter, when she was asked what she was doing "My honey is coming to pick me up for church today" (speaking of her husband who passed ...
  25. ClaraRedheart

    Bsn no experience parkland hospital dallas tx

    I'm nearby. I know that our hospital is on a hiring freeze system wide right now. Maybe other systems are the same now? I wish you success in finding a job! It's hard out there right now.