ClaraRedheart BSN, RN

Ortho, CMSRN

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All Content by ClaraRedheart

  1. ClaraRedheart

    Torn between job offers

    Another thing to consider about the college position... what do they offer in terms of reduced or free tuition for family? The only way my kids are going to college without earning their own scholarship or taking out student loans is if I can get the...
  2. ClaraRedheart

    Bill Approved to Limit Treatment for Transgender Youth

    As a white, I concur. Except whites have been over-represented in healthcare studies as a percentage of the population.
  3. ClaraRedheart

    What do you eat during your shifts?

    It's been awhile since I worked night shift. When I was a tech, I would bring a can of my favorite soup. That seemed to hit the spot at night. When I was a nurse, I worked close enough to a Boston Market (and could afford it ? ) and bought a nice mea...
  4. People that are sick are often expierencing a lack of control in their lives: a lack of control over their health, their obligations, their time, their finances. I don't take it personally. It seems to me that they're trying to get control where they...
  5. ClaraRedheart


    I have not been a fan of unions in a past until I saw a dear friend fired from a large hospital conglomorate that is active and owns most of the hospitals in the states she lives in and around her. When she told me their "reasons" most were very pidd...
  6. ClaraRedheart

    I got my license number but it said I failed

    I would ask for your $$ back on the unofficial results ?
  7. ClaraRedheart

    Bill Approved to Limit Treatment for Transgender Youth

    Being a child/teenager is all about finding who you are. Sometimes, once you grow up, you aren't who you thought you were becoming. If they really want to transition, they can make the choice once they're an adult. I think prescribing drugs to inhibi...
  8. ClaraRedheart

    Who wants to hire a graduate nurse at 55?

    We specifically use the Versant Program. Our new nurses aren't on their own for several months. At least three, I can't remember for sure how long. The program lasts for a year, but it is a formal program and it costs $$. Not to mention, the fact tha...
  9. ClaraRedheart

    Dilute Lasix before giving IV?

    I was taught as a young nurseling to dilute every medication in a 10 cc flush. It's the culture in our hospital, but we all seem to think that this is the norm for nurses everywhere. We ESPECIALLY dilute narcotics. We were busy coming up with a consi...
  10. ClaraRedheart

    Who wants to hire a graduate nurse at 55?

    As someone who sits on panels for hiring new med-surg nurses... It's not your age. It's your aspirations. We want to see you grow old with us. If you mention your future dream of working in an ICU or as a nurse writer, we have to move on. Training a ...
  11. Surely they make manly Danskos? Mine are not manly, mine are made in the normal ladylike fashion ? All jest aside, I do see the appeal. They are easily cleanible should a poor patient C-Diff on your shoes (I had a patient that came close while I was ...
  12. ClaraRedheart


    I think this question is highly unit specific. Not even specific enough for a particular hospital or specialty. I just did a costly EBP fellowship for our hospital, and the question that I had tackled was highly relevant to our unit and our patient p...
  13. ClaraRedheart

    I can’t stop crying over a bad death

    She knew death was coming. That could sound terrible, or it could be a beautiful grace that would allow for the necessary reflection and prayer imperative for her to feel at ease. You didn't know. Perhaps a hand gripping hers would have helped, but p...
  14. ClaraRedheart

    I made a med error and feel so disappointed with myself

    It happens. Mistakes happen. Find a way, or a process that you can do so that particular mistake won't happen again. I gave Imitrex IV once. The patient was fine and it worked. That being said, 2 years later when I read that it was a subQ injection a...
  15. ClaraRedheart

    Patient’s family threatening to report me to BNE

    It's hard to defend behavior like the family members. If the doctor is involved, there is no need to call a rapid response unless a critical care team response possibly involving chest compressions and a code are needed. She called an RR when she cou...
  16. ClaraRedheart

    Gloves at all times?

    I wear gloves. Even though I use gel in and out, I'm touching their pills sometimes. Again, I fully expect food service workers to wear gloves as well. Nothing is grosser than eating fondant that you can imagine contains someone elses skin cells. Rui...
  17. ClaraRedheart

    Do you have trust in your doctors?

    I completely trust the doctors that I work with NOW. I feel like we've had a bad spate with poor gastroenterology surgeons. Either that, or someone has to take the patients that you can't win on and the new guy always gets the fall. Even if the latte...
  18. ClaraRedheart

    New graduate RN

    It's very normal to feel that way. I think that it is a healthy fear so long as you cope in a healthy way. First year of working as a nurse can be rough... especially if you haven't worked as an aid/pct/tech before. You will go home and stay awake ov...
  19. ClaraRedheart

    Masters in Nursing

    Clinical nurse leadership is a great role, but it seems specialized for hospitals. I love bedside nursing, patient care, and caring for the same patient for more than a day, so I think I'd really like the CNL role. That being said, college is expensi...
  20. ClaraRedheart

    Should I resign and drop out of school?

    You are not going to get kicked out of nursing school if you get fired. I don't think that the facility and nursing school even communicate. One thing that my first nursing preceptor said frequently has always stuck with me: "You're going to make mis...
  21. ClaraRedheart

    The ICU sucks sometimes

    I am so sorry that you have to deal with that on a daily basis. I'm a med-surg nurse and for some reason.. don't know why (maybe when this happens, God's trying to tell me something and I'm not listening) but when I get a certain type of patient, it ...
  22. ClaraRedheart

    Yes, Virginia, There IS A Second Chance

    This popped in my recommended reading feed... even though it was dated years ago. Someone that I dearly love lost her job in a large hospital conglomerate. She was fired, for what seems like non-firable offences, but, I guess I don't know the whole s...
  23. ClaraRedheart

    I Was Fired...for Being Abrasive and Having Attitude

    I love how compassionate the advice here is! I appreciate that no one is jumping down OP's throat, but rather are giving helpful advice. I'm probably the polar opposite from OP. I don't say what I should say because I don't want to hurt anyones fee...
  24. ClaraRedheart

    Classism in the Hospital-MD vs. RN

    I will call a doctor "Dr ____" Unless they expressly ask me to do otherwise. I've had patients that are doctors and I will refer to them by the doctor pronoun if they seem to prefer it. Most do. I had one guy say "You can call me Larry or Dr. Smith"....
  25. ClaraRedheart

    Cook Childrens Winter Plan 2019

    Hi all! I am a Med-Surg/tele nurse with 5 years of experience. Currently, I work part time at a wonderful unit that I have no interest in leaving at this time. I work exclusively Friday/Saturdays (although I might could switch this to some other days...