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About juls02

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  1. Update on Gross Out Co-Worker

    seems to me she has become mentally unstable. it sounds as though there is some mental illness showing through. i know it doesn't make matters any better for you. just a thought. if management doesn't handle it properly, keep going up the ladder...
  2. RN to BSN- Univ of Phoenix

    I had two nurse friends that had lots of trouble with their program. that university screwed up with managing their credits. they were done and had all the classes and credits to prove it, and they said they weren't done AND owed them money. for ...
  3. My first few days, as a new RN

    See, this is exactly why i am looking to never do floor nursing again. Did you all know that the national average for nurse to work as one in hospital is only 5 YEARS! it's a fact (as of several years ago)! I just finished 4 years and i am pretty muc...
  4. I dont want to do this anymore!!!

    You sound like me several months ago. I have been a telemetry nurse for 3 years and icu step down for about a year. just finished a travel nurse job on an acute medical floor and that was the last ounce to the pound with floor nursing. I was a nervou...