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About Nataayy

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  1. GRE vs GPA

    Thank for the advice. I have my CCRN already. But when it comes to schools that currently do not require the GRE many of them require that your GPA higher then 3.2 or
  2. GRE: 148Verbal 152Math 3.0writing GPA: 3.2 Nursing 3.12 Undergrad. Simply, I want to increase my chances of getting into graduate school. I took one graduate level course in research statistics...
  3. I have only worked in small rural hospitals and I believe because of this I am a great nurse. I have obtained a wide range of experience compared to my counterparts at larger hospitals. I can draw...
  4. I am the nurse in charge. Do you want to sign out
  5. My very first job was at a poor small rural hospital that could not afford anything. It was amazing that we could afford to stay open. Well working at that hospital taught me how to work with...
  6. Rx drug abuse in your ED- steps you take?

    I am currently looking at a drug-seeking pt as I read this. The pt comes in a minimum of three times a week seeking pain meds. He comes in so often, I know his allergies and medical history by heart....
  7. Reporting in Florida

    Recently, I was in a heated discussion with the ER physician over calling the police about a physical assault. I call when its a MVA, sexual assault, involves a child and elderly, gun shoot/stabbing,...
  8. I am currently an house supervisor/ER nurse with my BSN. I want to start my education to become a CRNA now. I know that most schools want ICU experience. I work in ICU PRN. (rarely). I decided to...