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All Content by mfg83

  1. DUKE ABSN Fall 2012

    hey everybody, did anyone get accepted that is declining admission for another school? i was accepted to duke but also at columbia's etp/anesthesia. laflaca, what made you choose duke over yale?
  2. I'm from California too! I think I'd be equally happy returning to CA after graduation as I would be staying in NYC, although the weather in San Diego is tough to beat.. I will ask my contact about the work situation, but I can tell you that she does...
  3. hey graceface, no unfortunately I can't get to visiting day either. I wish I could because I'd like to hear more specifics about the program and talk to some current students. I asked Jose to forward me any power points or other info that those stude...
  4. Thanks everyone for your comments - everyone is so helpful on here! There seem to be majorly mixed reviews about the program, at least on these boards. Some people rave about it, particularly those in the CRNA track seem to really enjoy their time. g...
  5. Hey guys, I was also accepted to the ETP Anesthesia program for 2012, and would love some more info from current/past students of the same program. Particularly interested in the ease/difficulty in gaining that 1 year ICU experience, and whether you ...