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  1. ohhh how awful! that is so scary. it scares me a lot having so many LPN's and CNA's working under me. everyone is so quick to say that in ltc every nurse is the same, whether lpn or rn... but i've...
  2. does your facility have a defibrillator?

    thanks for all your comments! we have had our annual survey this week, been very very busy! but we did better this year than last year and that's always the hope, right?! i'm glad to know that we are...
  3. i am an administrative RN at a ltc facility. i'm still a fairly new nurse... had clinical at a huge level 1 trauma center... saw codes all the time there. well at my ltc facility, our crash cart...
  4. Bathing in LTC

    ohhh i love the idea of a CNA that would specifically do showers. i know know know that our showers don't get done. they do bed baths. but i might see 2-3 CNAs take a patient to the shower in a shower...