Roy Wachter BSc LPN

Roy Wachter BSc LPN

LTC/ Psych/ED

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All Content by Roy Wachter BSc LPN

  1. LTC incident, what are your thoughts.

    THERE WEREN'T ANY MISTAKES made at all from the info provided. This incident illustrates one of the major reasons why I will never work in LTC again. 61 Residents 1 Nurse is that legal in the state you are working in? Good Luck and BlessYou and main...
  2. relocating to indianapolis

    Congrats on the new job @ St V. We recently moved here from Ohio.We live at Eagle Creek Apartments which are ok and very close to the lake. West and North sides seem the best, with alot of apartments in the NW quad. I can say as a patient of St V's s...