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All Content by DTWriter

  1. OP, New grad RN orientations (at a hospital setting) are usually 12 weeks at most (except for some specialty areas like OR). Based on your first post - If you only have a week left, you are better off resigning at this point and reapplying elsewhere....
  2. S.C. 5th Grader Dies After a Fight at School

    This may be controversial but schools should actually encourage children to fight back. It seems to be the norm for school officials to not act unless the 2nd person (the victim) fights back; at that point, both the bully and the 2nd person would ge...
  3. Leaving nursing

    Suggestion: Try a different nursing field AND shadow the place (i.e. the actual place where you will be working AND during the time(s) you plan to work) before accepting the job offer. From personal experience, the workplaces that I did not shadow pr...
  4. For new or prospective Psych NPs

    I think this post's purpose is to warn against nurses becoming psych NPs without extensive inpatient experience. If so - OP, you did not connect this NP experience to something that happened during your inpatient experience that helped guide your dec...
  5. Cartoon Caption Contest WIN $250! Nurses Week 2018

    Got to protect my PTO!
  6. February 2018 Caption Contest - Win $100!

    Smells like C. Diff...Let's get the new nurse to do it!
  7. 4 tines with nclex no success, don't want no part of it anymore

    OP, you should not give up until you have exhausted your options. Based on your posts, it does not seem you have exhausted your options. Use the strategies and materials (i.e. such as, UWorld) mentioned so far on this thread. Plus, research other str...
  8. I failed out of nursing school midway, now what?

    Appealing => going against the dean and teacher => burning bridges OP, being delayed a year sucks but see it at an advantage. Hint: You know the people who are now ahead of you, right? They would see what you may see a year from now, right...?
  9. New Career

    Yeah...you need to start a new thread for your own problem. OP, if you are being for real - What do you not like about patient care?
  10. I Thought I Had My Dream Job, but My Past Took It Away...

    The thing is, (imo) termination is not something one should want in terms of nursing. Suppose you were to get terminated - If a job application were to ask along the line "Have you ever been terminated?," you would have to answer "yes" and may have t...
  11. I Thought I Had My Dream Job, but My Past Took It Away...

    Honestly, I do not think the agency will give you any more jobs. Imo...it may be best to resign from the agency before they get the chance to terminate you. As far as unemployment goes...they could defend the termination by saying "well, she omitted ...
  12. I Thought I Had My Dream Job, but My Past Took It Away...

    OrganizedChaos, Monday is almost here. Rest up until then. Consider having someone (your husband, mother, etc.) nearby when you talk to HR again. Record the conversation if you can.
  13. I Thought I Had My Dream Job, but My Past Took It Away...

    Damn...Sorry you are going through this, OrganizedChaos. Honestly, you should consider your mother's advice and go back to school for your RN. RN = more job opportunities. Plus, -with nursing schools adding classes to their curriculum every year or...
  14. Now, the following is...sort of on topic: Suppose this patient were to return and end up on the OP's unit, again...Can the OP refuse to be his nurse, especially since he assaulted her during a previous admission? Or, even if he did not assault her bu...
  15. OP, Have you ever threaten to leave him? Otherwise, he may be paranoid - something that not even marriage counseling can fix...more like a psych issue, especially if he has a history of trust issues (Was abused as a child? Coming from a broken home?...
  16. New Grad as a Clinical Liaison

    OP, Please research the nursing home. Find and compare Nursing Homes | Nursing Home Compare
  17. This thread is so discouraging. May the AMA not come across it. There are nurses who rather get years of RN experience before becoming NPs; however - With more employers instantly siding with whiny patients and would not hesitate to replace a RN wi...
  18. Failure in Med surg

    OP, what did you like about nursing? What motivated you to study for the NCLEX? Was there a particular topic that you liked best? Med-surg is not the only go-to new grad job.
  19. Bedside nursing is not a necessity to be a NP, let alone to get into a NP program. BUT- You should get nursing experience in something (i.e public health, clinics, school, LTC, etc.). IMO, you will be doing yourself a disservice if you become a NP w...
  20. Is leaving before hurricane abandonment?

    Preach! OP does not have time to dwell on the "should have." Hopefully, the OP gets it for next time. OP, if you have not already done so, do make arrangements with a trustworthy relative and drive your child to them as soon as possible. Maybe the re...
  21. nurses not using stethoscopes

    Hmm... OP- Do you think it is a good idea to work on this med/surg unit for long? Maybe consider applying to other jobs in the meantime? Easier said than done to go against an unit's culture. In your case, you should in terms of using a stethoscope, ...
  22. If you were in my shoes...

    There is a lack of consistency between NP programs here in the United States. For some programs, the curriculum does not adequately prepare students to be safe providers, let alone pass their boards. Plus, NP students have trouble finding willing pre...
  23. If not nursing what other career would you have done?

    Sugar baby... Or, maybe a video gamer.
  24. Refusing to change/toilet pts

    Until the day management does not fault a nurse for being late clocking out because he/she had a patient who needed to go to the toilet at the end of shift, can one really blame the nurse for delegating the duty to someone else?
  25. Seriousness aside, the nurse practically hit the lottery.