nguyency77 CNA

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About nguyency77

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  1. nguyency77

    Looking back I'd wish I'd know......

    I wish I had known this before I started my first semester of nursing school; but I'll pass along the torch in the hope that you don't have to go through what I did! Between classes, pay attention to...
  2. nguyency77

    Young, Thin, and Cute New Hires

    Couldn't have said it better myself. My clinical instructor praised me at the end of our first clinical. I don't get compliments like that every day, so it meant a lot coming from an instructor I...
  3. If I see them and it's convenient for me, I will say hello. But if they are scattered throughout the facility (a couple at the med carts, hiding in the break room, and some down this hall and some...
  4. I'm sorry you had a difficult experience, but allow me to point something out... Maybe this is assuming too much, but why do you think the CNAs should have said hello to you? Our teachers drill this...
  5. nguyency77

    Young, Thin, and Cute New Hires

    In Vietnam and China, ALL "female" jobs require you to have a certain look. It does not matter if you came up with the theory of relativity and revolutionized the world of science; if you are...
  6. nguyency77

    Readiness for enhanced family processes r/t?

    If it's a wellness nursing diagnosis, I think it has to be only one
  7. I'm in Level I. So far, this what we've done: 3-4 Reflection papers for community clinicals 2 Reflection papers for SIM Lab 3 Skills Checkoffs (graded: full head-to-toe assessment, Foley, IV;...
  8. nguyency77

    Department Wars

    This is one of the most bizarre things I have ever heard of. As Erikson would put it..."Identity versus Role
  9. nguyency77

    Straight A's in Science prereqs?

    Yes, I got all A's in my science classes. I say this a lot; it's not about the time. It's about the quality of your studying! If you have only two hours at a time to study, how can you make it...
  10. nguyency77

    CNA Supervisor or all under DON/ADON

    As TheCommuter said, we had a "staffing coordinator" when I was a CNA in a LTC/SNF. The person was a CNA; she was actually the person who hired me. She worked central supply, hired new CNA and med...
  11. nguyency77

    Nurses: Why do many of you do this?

    I thought so, too. This is going to sound really passive-aggressive, but the next time she starts on a topic like that I'm just going to ask her if telling the story is okay with HIPAA. She used to...
  12. nguyency77

    Nurses: Why do many of you do this?

    I have a question! I'm just a student nurse. But there's a certain person that I know who is a RN. She and I are both part of our ethnic community; therefore, most everyone knows everyone by name,...
  13. nguyency77

    Study habits

    Hey! (: What I did for A&P 2 was to know the textbook really, really well. If you have who I think you have, he likes to test on matching! So know the anatomy of everything, but especially bones....
  14. nguyency77

    Human Cadavers

    I went on a field trip when I was a senior in high school to the gross anatomy lab at the university. They had a cadaver already dissected for us. It was
  15. fuzzywuzzy: In my state, we are not allowed to cut nails whether we are a CNA or a RN because of the risk to diabetic patients! So my old facility used to have a podiatrist come in but I've never seen...