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About nancimarie

nancimarie has 9 years experience and specializes in MS, LDRP.

Married 5 kids

Latest Activity

  1. Inpatient OB certification

    Forget it....I found it!
  2. Inpatient OB certification

    Thanks, Question, is the candidate guide what they send you when you apply? Or is it something you can get online? I do have that book. Thanks
  3. Inpatient OB certification

    Hi all, I've been an OB/nursery nurse for almost 10 years, almost all of my nursing career.... I want to take the test to become certified in Inpatient Obstetrics, and I'm looking for suggestions for...
  4. lactation consultant

    I will be the first in my hospital! I'm not sure how much I make, I'm hoping it's more than I make as a RN. I'm building a clientle being a student. I already have my name out there and have helped...
  5. lactation consultant

    I'm not sure how much they make, but I know is in comparison with what nurses make, but a little more. Are you thinking of taking a
  6. Lactation consultants

    We currently don't have any LC in our area. I'm taking a course to become an IBCLC, and I will be the first like I said. My question is how do I go about working that into my current position as an...
  7. How to become a lactation sonsultant?

    HI Mitchsmom, My nanci and I'm taking a course to become an IBCLC. I'm right now in the process of developing a history form and was wondering about any websites that you knew of. I tried that aol one...
  8. Lactation Consultants: Where do they chart?

    I am taking a course to become certified and need to develop a history form...any ideas out
  9. Lactation consultants

    hi, we only have dieticians that talk to the nursing mothers right now. but, i'm in the process of taking the course to become an ibclc...the closest one is 2 hours away. i will be the first in our...
  10. lactation consultant

    HI all, I just recieved my student guide for the course for IBCLC. I'm very excited about doing this. I will be the first one in my community. THe closest one is 2 hours away. I'm just concerned...
  11. Thank you very much for responding. I will look that book
  12. HI all, I wasn't sure where to post this, but I'm looking for a good cultural book related to ob. Like their beliefs for after the birth, during labor and things like that. Could someone recommend a...
  13. Either a mother/baby nurse or a nursey
  14. Would YOU ever have a homebirth?

    Just a thought, but you could be with a midwife in a birthing center that was attached to a hospital, that's what I would
  15. Fear Factor, Nurse Style, Five Stunts... lol

    you for sure the big