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About crjohnson10210

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  1. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    Make sure you guys join your facebook page! KSU Nursing Incoming Class of
  2. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    I'm not sure if anyone has told you all about the AIDS walk on's at Piedmont Park & KSU SNA has a group walking! If you'd like to join, you can choose to join the KSU SNA group when...
  3. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    For whoever asked about research... If you take it online, it is about $300 more. I am taking it in class on Tuesday nights. I don't really know about comparing the two since I didn't take it...
  4. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    We are working on getting you guys your own facebook page- It will be up after the decision deadline has passed! Be on the lookout after that date! When did your letter say your decision had to be...
  5. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    Congratulations to all the new accepted students!!! I can't wait to meet you all at orientation! To those of you who were rejected or put on standby- don't lose faith! Like I said in an earlier...
  6. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    spoild2588- I'm not sure if anyone answered your post....I haven't gotten to the more recent pages, but I have a little advice! If you want to do BSN- I strongly suggest Kennesaw State University....
  7. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    As far as doing things to get ready for January.....REST!!!! Once you get accepted and start, you are going to be going 100 miles a minute so take this time to do things for
  8. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    Don't spend hours on the Calculate with Confidence book, or even working through every page or every chapter. Just try to understand the concept of dosage calculations and try to work through some...
  9. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    Hey y'all- once you are accepted, you will get a list of instructors that have CPR classes in the area if you want to wait to sign up for one of those classes instead. I heard they are all really...
  10. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    Yes, I am in the accelerated program. Y'all will be fine! I didn't feel like my interview was that great and I got in, so no worries! Also- someone got accepted into the program the day before...
  11. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    Oh, by the way- once you get in, our SNA president will make a facebook group for your incoming class so join it! It will be a great way to keep connected and you will get all the SNA information and...
  12. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    Hey! I've gotten some great questions in my inbox and on here, so I thought I'd just answer them all here so you all can see! First of all, I'm only in my 5th week, so things could change after test...
  13. Kennesaw Spring 2013 applicants

    Hi everyone! I am in my first semester of the accelerated program, so I was in your position just a few months ago! If I can answer any questions for you, please let me
  14. Death: The Reason I Became a Nurse

    Beautiful! My daddys death is the reason I am becoming a
  15. Kennesaw State BSN Fall 2012

    Does anyone know when we have to give KSU a decision if we get