Trauma, ER, ICU, CCU, PACU, GI, Cardiology, OR

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All Content by GitanoRN

  1. GitanoRN

    Warning to us ALL!!

    Now that was funny, I wish I could get a deal like that, I usually pay $25.00 dollars for a haircut but then again I have a full head of hair, I guess I should be thankful
  2. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

    I couldn't have said it better....Aloha~
  3. GitanoRN

    Nurses' were JESUS' sidekicks...

    Touche'.... even though I would still assist any pt. of mine in their spiritual beliefs, by getting a member of their congregation in order to ease them mentally....
  4. GitanoRN

    Warning to us ALL!!

    Joe, I had the same reaction, when I first got the e-mail from one of my colleagues ... Aloha~
  5. GitanoRN

    What bag would you recommend?

    First of all, Congratulations for pursuing your goal. Nowadays there are so many backpacks to choose from therefore, here's a link of some of the backpacks that I have seeing our nursing students with, during their clinical... Aloha~ https://www.go...
  6. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

    Or two babies
  7. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

    Worth looking into....just saying.
  8. GitanoRN

    Ain't it the truth?

    Honestly, after working for over a year at the first facility, when I arrived from Europe, I finally found the break-room, and the only person in there was housekeeping talking on the phone, and eating some of the food a pt. had brought in for us nur...
  9. GitanoRN

    Night Shift For Newbies

    4 new hirees came in for orientation today 2 RN's and 1 LPN, and 1 CNA, and all 4 are for the night shift, I still give these nurses props for being able manage the grave-yard shift....Aloha~
  10. GitanoRN

    Are you a nurse with "alternative" spiritual beliefs?

    I'll 2nd. that emotion.
  11. GitanoRN

    Good Shoes

    Unquestionably, I tend to change shoes as often as my undergarment, therefore, I have no trouble with sore feet...just saying... Aloha~
  12. GitanoRN

    You Know You're A Nurse If...

    You have the bladder capacity of five people....Aloha~
  13. Interesting, it so happens that I received the same information from CDC & it's laying on my desk at work....Aloha~
  14. GitanoRN

    How many hours should you be working?

    I can definitely relate to the cartoon, I lost count, I was scheduled to work 42hrs. however, I ended-up working 60.5 hours now I need to get some ....Aloha~
  15. GitanoRN

    Official RN!!!

    congratulations! it's time to celebrate all your hard work as i wish you the very best in all of your future endeavors...aloha~
  16. GitanoRN

    Has anyone else..

    many many, moons ago at the beginning of my nursing program for a minute, i looked at all the books we were suppose to go over & i said "what the heck, have you gotten yourself into gitano?" however, after the first week it got better, then anoth...
  17. GitanoRN

    Feeling overwhelmed with gratitude

    unquestionably, this is the time when i'm glad to be in my beloved nursing, thank you for sharing & posting this experience, as i wish you the very best always....aloha~
  18. GitanoRN

    Night Shift For Newbies

    as i stated previously on this subject, i don't hate the night shift however, i bow to all the night shift staff around the world, for the simple reason that my body wouldn't or couldn't for whatever the reason subject myself to stay up the entire sh...
  19. GitanoRN

    Charting Bloopers

    many moons ago, I recall working the night shift and as the shift ended I was on the last of my charting. obviously, I got a little distracted when I charted the following " mr. jones a 52 yr. male c/o of eggs, milk, cherrios, dog food" :uhoh21: need...
  20. GitanoRN

    Cool Facts

    i still questioned the one about the thumb... since my thumb is larger than my nose... hmmm
  21. GitanoRN

    Cool Facts

    One of our surgeon's where I work send this to me via e-mail, I felt like sharing and so it goes... Cool Facts about the Human Body Scientists say the higher your I.Q. The more you dream. The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and th...
  22. GitanoRN

    Night Shift For Newbies

    the 5 hour energy works, however, don't drink more than it's recommended or you'll end up in a mess
  23. GitanoRN

    I want to thank you for saving my life.

    i'm certain that the your spell errors are being notice, what is shining through is your gratitude which i'm sure those that were responsible would do it all over again because that's what we nurses do. wishing you the very best in all of your future...
  24. GitanoRN

    HIPPA is a joke.

    unquestionably, hipaa, is the health insurance portability and accountability act, which sets the standard for protecting sensitive patient data. having said that, any company that deals with protected health information must ensure that all the r...
  25. GitanoRN

    Am I being offered a fair pay?

    unquestionably, it all depends on the state or facility, in addition, i would do a little research around your area in order to get a better idea of the going rate. having said that, i would nicely decline the offer, but then again i already have a ...