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All Content by GitanoRN

  1. GitanoRN

    My journey so far...

    An inspiration post it's always refreshing, thank you for sharing....Aloha~
  2. GitanoRN

    A difficult learning experience

    Enlightening post.
  3. GitanoRN

    I was in a joke-sharing mood/"2 cute babies"

    2 Cute ...Aloha~
  4. GitanoRN

    Scrub pants for thick legs

    MrPopeye, Needless to say, I encountered the same dilemma since I been into bodybuilding from the age of 21. Having said that, I not only encountered the thick legs, in addition the large biceps, so after many trials and error I finally found several...
  5. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

    Thank you for sharing....Aloha~
  6. GitanoRN

    Everyone wants to be a nurse...

    Funny but so true....Aloha~
  7. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

    Amen & I'll leave it at that.... Aloha~
  8. GitanoRN

    Doctors disrespect Male nurses.

    Admittedly, I have never encountered this issue in my long nursing career. Having said that, when an issue arises and a doctor is up-set about something, they come to my office and when they see who are they dealing with they tend to back down, &...
  9. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

    I totally agree with both of your post, however, I feel that this is almost a form of dictating like "do this" or else you'll be out of a job! ..just saying P.S. I get my Flu/shot every year.
  10. GitanoRN

    My best orientation mistakes

    Many moons ago... I recall one of several mistakes during my first orientation week however, one memory stands out from the rest and it goes as follows. Having said that, I'm in my all white starched uniform as my preceptor is instructing me on how t...
  11. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

    Enlightening, my question leans towards "allergies" regarding this concept.
  12. GitanoRN

    Once upon a time, we were new to nursing.

    Okay... I gotten myself together and I do recall my first week, I looked like a Dear caught in the headlights! then after awhile things began to look familiar and weeks turn into months and months into years etc. etc. ... It has been said that experi...
  13. GitanoRN

    Once upon a time, we were new to nursing.

    My first impression when I saw this cartoon was "my poor newbies" then I began to LOL...then ROFLMAO
  14. GitanoRN

    Hospital Beep Syndrome

    I still hear all the bells & whistles and my office is located at the administration building away from the main hospital...just saying
  15. GitanoRN

    Best MD note

    Hey some people have their priorities in that order... LOL... Aloha~
  16. GitanoRN

    Are you a nurse with "alternative" spiritual beliefs?

    Unusual approach on behave of the school to say the least....just saying~
  17. GitanoRN


    Top Ten Reasons To Work An Overtime Shift On The Weekend 10. Think of all the weight you'll lose from not getting to eat because of short staffing. 9. Think of the closeness you'll develop with your co-workers after being knee-deep in Code 10's/Blues...
  18. GitanoRN

    Breckinridge School of Nursing @ ITT Canton, MI

    Keep us up to date...good luck....Aloha~
  19. GitanoRN

    sex in the work place...really?

    Oh! let me think...NOT!!!!!:redlight:
  20. GitanoRN

    Xxs scrub bottoms? Help!

    Wow! $300.00- $500.00 !!!!!...Darn I should have taken sewing for a hobby....LOL
  21. GitanoRN

    Ain't it the truth?

    We must have worked in at same place... ....Aloha~
  22. GitanoRN

    Would you be scared of 6 foot 3 male nurse.

    Height is not the problem, I'm 6'2" and into bodybuilding and in occasions it comes in handy when a pt. or a doctor gets out of line, all they see is me coming towards them and that seems to calm them down just saying.......Aloha~
  23. GitanoRN

    Breckinridge School of Nursing @ ITT Canton, MI

    So you're Good 2 to go~
  24. GitanoRN

    Use it or lose it

    It has been said by a wise person "It's like riding a comes back to you" like everything in life you'll be able to retrieve the necessary information when it's needed and apply it...wishing you always the best in all of your future endeavors...
  25. GitanoRN

    Breckinridge School of Nursing @ ITT Canton, MI

    I have no doubt that in no time you'll be navigating through the cite like a pro