Trauma, ER, ICU, CCU, PACU, GI, Cardiology, OR

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All Content by GitanoRN

  1. GitanoRN

    Keep out! Nurse Sleeping

    Admittedly, this reminds me the days long ago when I worked nights, I use to leave a sign at the door that read " Come in at YOUR own risk" and below would have the following if you're not bleeding profusely don't bother to wake me up... Aloha~
  2. GitanoRN

    I got a job!!

    Congratulations! on your recent accomplishment as wish you the best in all of your future endeavors... Aloha~
  3. GitanoRN

    how to take a shower

  4. GitanoRN

    Funniest Things Doctors say!

    Needless to say, you handle this situation very tactfully, therefore, I commend you ...Aloha~
  5. GitanoRN


    Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went camping. They pitched their tent under the stars and went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes woke Watson up and said, "Watson, look up at the stars, and tell me what you see." Watson replied, "I...
  6. GitanoRN

    British Columbia to require health-care workers get flu shot

    And the beat goes on.... Aloha~
  7. GitanoRN

    The Little Things....

    Thank you for this refreshing post. Unquestionably, I agree that most of the time we get so involved with our 14hr. shifts and it's dilemmas, and at times we seem to forget those who make our task much easier. Having said that, you're no longer a "ba...
  8. GitanoRN

    Happy cns week everyone!!

    Wishing all CNS a great week and congratulations! :yelclap: ....Aloha~
  9. GitanoRN


    To be honest, I thought this one would fizzled away without much attention... thank you guys as I wish all of you a great week ahead... Aloha~
  10. GitanoRN

    Five Ways That You Know You Joined a Cheap HMO

    Your "primary care physician" is wearing the pants you gave to Goodwill last month
  11. GitanoRN

    The New Face of Healthcare

    I can relate....
  12. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

    And the Beat goes on~
  13. GitanoRN

    Five Ways That You Know You Joined a Cheap HMO

    Examining room has a tip jar :uhoh21:
  14. GitanoRN

    Five Ways That You Know You Joined a Cheap HMO

    Your pain meds. consist of Skittles
  15. GitanoRN

    Common nicknames for hospital items.

    Things that make you go Hmmm
  16. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

    Enough said
  17. GitanoRN

    Is a tablet a good investment for nursing school

  18. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

    I'm not the gambling type, however, like the commercial says.... Wait for it!!!
  19. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

  20. GitanoRN

    scared to death!

    OP, have you tried to see if you qualify for FAFSA? here's a link, I hope this helps in some way as I wish you the best always in all of your future endeavors...Aloha~ Fafsa Official Website
  21. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

    It's ridiculous how much I'm enjoying this debate. It's refreshing to hear that you're enjoying the subject on hand...Aloha~
  22. GitanoRN

    My Life with a Nurse: A Man's Perspective

  23. GitanoRN

    Little Brother

    OP, I would like to thank you for sharing this post with all of us, as I send you a hug :hug: from across the miles....Aloha~
  24. GitanoRN

    Flu Vaccine, enough already!

    I'm afraid to say that it's so true.
  25. GitanoRN

    Comparing A Nurses' Salary

    Needless to say, once again it all depends on location & the facility. Therefore, make sure you do a little research prior accepting any job, remember the phrase "You Get What You Pay For" just saying...Aloha~