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All Content by ccasen12

  1. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    Not a word yet. I'm wondering if we won't hear til tomorrow since we got the last e-mail on a Saturday. I really don't know, I'm just trying to find an excuse of why we haven't heard.
  2. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    Fingers crossed....Everytime I get an e-mail notification, I get anxious.
  3. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    Mine still says submitted and never said test complete. I have no clue by what later this week means. I wish it meant today. I am so anxious. I just want to know a yes or a no. Speaking of that, anyone know if they let you know you didn't make it or ...
  4. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    Is it Friday yet....Haha. I'm very impatient.
  5. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    Nope, I haven't heard anything, but I am so ready to hear something! I hate waiting!
  6. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    I did okay. Could have done better but I am happy with what I got. Science threw me for a loop though. Yay for the waiting game :)
  7. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    I feel like that too. I am so overwhelmed. I just received an e-mail from my admissions person and she said that the nursing department will do my gpa evaluation since they were bombarded with requests. What do you mean about # of attempts? Do you k...
  8. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    May 2nd?? Mine is for March 2nd in Rancho Bernardo :) Now I need to get my butt in gear and amp up my studying. I took a practice test last week in my Teas Version V Manual and I really need to work on my science area. Good luck!!
  9. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    I'm up in Lake Elsinore. I have slowly started studying. I can only study the English area so much, I find it a bit boring, so then I move the math. Haha, how about you?
  10. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    Yes, I hope so. I have a friend who applied for the April cohort and they should be finding out the end of this month. So hopefully after that we will hear something. Where are you located rleetch? Just curious :)
  11. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    Wow, thanks for the heads up!! So helpful. I ordered my ATI Study Book last week and am waiting for it to arrive so I can begin studying. And I haven't received any info about the test date or essay date.
  12. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    I think everything needs to be in but your TEAS exam scores. I believe after you apply they give you the date and time for your TEAS and essay. Hope that helps!
  13. National University Cohort 31 - July 2012

    I have applied and haven't heard anything yet. Does anyone know what date in July this program starts?