Pink Magnolia BSN, RN


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About Pink Magnolia

Pink Magnolia is a BSN, RN and specializes in LAD.

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  1. Pink Magnolia

    Pediatric Treatment Centers

    Thanks for replying! I'm curious about how your shift would normally go. Do you get the opportunity to lead groups? Really any info that would benefit a new psych
  2. Pink Magnolia

    Pediatric Treatment Centers

    I would just like to know, for example, what the RN responsibilities entail, or what the average nurse-patios ration would
  3. Pink Magnolia

    Pediatric Treatment Centers

    What is it like working as a RN in a pediatric residential psychiatric treatment center, such as Youth Villages? Please share your
  4. Pink Magnolia

    PRN Question!

    Thanks for your help! Hopefully I can find something that interests me. I would love to find NICU work...wonder if I would even be considered or get a proper
  5. Pink Magnolia

    Maternal position in labor with one sided cervix

    It's a comfortable technique many midwives use. It works and helps speed up cervical effacement and dilation! Learned it on my L&D
  6. Pink Magnolia

    PRN Question!

    When being considered for a PRN position, is it required for the applicant to have actual experience in that speciality? I would like to know if a facility would provide extra training for RNs that...
  7. Pink Magnolia

    LTC Charting: A Beginner's Guide

    I'm considering going PRN at an LTC and this was very informative! Thank
  8. Pink Magnolia

    Maternal position in labor with one sided cervix

    Pretzel her with thick side down so it stretches out. You can rotate her pretzel position too every 20
  9. Pink Magnolia

    Second career nurses: Do you like nursing better?

    Teacher and nurse here....I agree with you
  10. This is wonderful advise! I wish I would have shadowed someone before jumping into nursing, but then again I would have lived my whole life wondering what it would have been like. To me, I'd rather...
  11. Teaching does not pay well yes, but would you be happier you think as a nurse? I left the classroom for nursing 3 yrs ago. I was full of enthusiasm for both careers in teaching and nursing, but I...
  12. Pink Magnolia

    You do all of this?!

    I think shadowing on the unit is a great idea if you know you really want to work in NICU one day. Just try it and then make the decision. You may actually like
  13. Pink Magnolia

    I'm in! Woot! L&D nursing here I come

    Congrats! OB is
  14. Pink Magnolia

    Some people are too smart for nursing

    I've been asked by several people why I choose nursing as my 2nd career and not just become a doctor....irritating question, but we have to ignore their
  15. Pink Magnolia

    why do nursing???

    ....uh why are you even on this site? That's what I want to